
9372 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Microeconomics

    Module code: EC1000 Module co-ordinator: Professor Eyal Winter Description Microeconomics studies what motivates economic agents, how they respond to incentives, and how they interact.

  • Advanced Solid Mechanics

    Module code: EG7037 Module co-ordinator: Prof Jinghze Pan Finite element analysis is now routinely used in industry to virtually test various design ideas. Stress engineers, a new kind of engineering professional, are headhunted by all major engineering companies.

  • Advanced Solid Mechanics

    Module code: EG7037 Module co-ordinator: Prof Jinghze Pan Finite element analysis is now routinely used in industry to virtually test various design ideas. Stress engineers, a new kind of engineering professional, are headhunted by all major engineering companies.

  • Principles of Banking

    Module code: EC2033 Module co-ordinator: Dr Carlos Díaz Vela Module Aims By the end of this module, a typical student will be able to describe the key characteristics of banking and financial intermediation, analyse a bank’s balance sheet, income statements and...

  • Living the Anthropocene

    Module code: GY7712 This module provides an in-depth introduction to the Anthropocene. In particular, it focuses on the ways in which humans have become geological agents, and on the effects that such agency has on Earth’s bio-physical systems.

  • Entering the Field

    Module code: MU7007 This is a practical module designed to consolidate your learning during the course. It is composed of two elements: an exhibition-based project and field school investigating the art ecologies of a major city.

  • Gene Expression: Molecular Basis and Medical Relevance

    Module code: BS3010 Module co-ordinator: Professor Ian Eperon In this module you will study the expression of protein-coding genes.

  • Adaptation and Diversity

    Module code: BS1070 Module co-ordinator: Dr Eamonn Mallon This module will introduce you to to the vast diversity of plants and animals on Earth.

  • Mr Duncan Cloud (1930-2020)

    The University community was saddened to learn of the loss, on 24 June 2020, of one of its most senior members and a major figure in its history. John Duncan Cloud (MA Oxford, B.Litt.

  • Student Awards 2018

    Last night, students and staff gathered at Stamford Court for our annual Student Awards- where the individuals, groups and societies who have made exceptional contributions to the University and the wider community over the past year are celebrated.

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