
9378 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Resources

    Here at The University of Leicester, we offer academic resources for schools and colleges on the topic of genetics.

  • Neptune is cooler than we thought: Study reveals unexpected changes in atmospheric temperatures

    New research led by space scientists at the University of Leicester has revealed how temperatures in Neptune’s atmosphere have unexpectedly fluctuated over the past two decades.

  • Postgraduate loans

    When applying for a Masters degree, you may be eligible to apply for a Postgraduate Loan to cover the costs of studying. These loans work in a similar way to Undergraduate Student Loans.

  • Using our services

    Fees and charges Fees and charges support in the library 500 Using other libraries Using other libraries international student writing in the library 1000 Borrowing Borrowing student browsing library books 300 Joining the library Joining the library Students studying in...

  • Introduction to Filmmaking

    Module code: MS2003 Introduction to Filmmaking is one of the most demanding yet rewarding modules, and students who participate regularly cite it amongst their favourites.

  • Introduction to Filmmaking

    Module code: MS2003 Introduction to Filmmaking is one of the most demanding yet rewarding modules, and students who participate regularly cite it amongst their favourites.

  • Continuing Professional Development for English Language Teachers

    Module code: ED7022 In this module you will consider the differing ways that language teachers can develop in the course of their professional lives.

  • Introduction to Filmmaking

    Module code: MS2003 Introduction to Filmmaking is one of the most demanding yet rewarding modules, and students who participate regularly cite it amongst their favourites.

  • Analysis and Design of Algorithms

    Module code: CO7002  Module co-ordinator: Dr Stanley Fung Algorithms are step-by-step procedures, such as those executed by computers, to solve problems.

  • Sharpest Earth-based images of Europa and Ganymede reveal their icy landscape

    University of Leicester scientists and European Southern Observatory release new images of Jupiter’s moons taken from a ground-based telescope.

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