
10586 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Advanced Microanalysis Laboratory

    The School of Archaeology and Ancient History's microscopy laboratory detailing the range of equipment and techniques used in the lab, these include Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Fluorescence...

  • Leicester doctor and researcher listed in Forbes ‘30 under 30’

    An infectious diseases doctor at Leicester’s Hospitals has been listed as one of Forbes’ ‘30 under 30’ in Europe in the field of Science and Healthcare.

  • McCarthy's America: Domestic Anti-Communism in the USA, 1830-1990

    Module code: HS3649 Module Outline There are very few individuals who can boast having either entire historical eras or discrete historical phenomena named after them. US Senator Joseph “Tail Gunner Joe” McCarthy has both.

  • New £10.4 million research centre will unlock new tests, treatments and cures for people living with rare kidney diseases

    Thousands of people living with rare kidney disease will have access to improved diagnostics, treatments and potentially cures, thanks to the creation of a new research centre, involving experts from the University of Leicester

  • Autobiography and American Literature

    Module code: EN3111 During the course of this module you will explore American autobiographical literature and reflect upon its core themes and issues, with particular focus on the representation of individual selves and lives, both creatively and analytically.

  • Autobiography and American Literature

    Module code: EN3111 During the course of this module you will explore American autobiographical literature and reflect upon its core themes and issues, with particular focus on the representation of individual selves and lives, both creatively and analytically.

  • Autobiography and American Literature

    Module code: EN3111 During the course of this module you will explore American autobiographical literature and reflect upon its core themes and issues, with particular focus on the representation of individual selves and lives, both creatively and analytically.

  • Queer Heritage and Collections Network awarded Arts Council England and National Lottery Project Funding

    Read more about the Research Centre for Museums and Galleries' latest project on queer heritage

  • Over £600,000 for University of Leicester to shrink AI algorithms for smarter spacecraft

    Multidisciplinary team from University of Leicester receives £690,000 funding from UK Space Agency and aims to develop and demonstrate streamlined machine learning algorithms suitable for limited spacecraft power and computing performance

  • More attention needed on employee involvement to fix Britains productivity problem

    A report entitled Involvement and Productivity – The missing piece of the puzzle?’ released this week by the Involvement and Participation Association (IPA) argues that effective employee involvement at work is essential to boosting productivity in the UK.

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