Universities and colleges join forces to help Leicestershire’s young people decide their futures
A partnership of universities and colleges working to raise aspirations in the region’s young people has engaged over 4800 from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Debi Bhattacharya
The academic profile of Professor Debi Bhattacharya, Professor of Behavioural Medicine at University of Leicester
Rural life
Learn more about the collections about rural life in the East Midlands Oral History Archive.
What is a Systematic Review?
An introduction to systematic literature reviews including definition and process
Building and Enriching Shared Heritages Project
‘Building and Enriching Shared Heritages’ was an AHRC funded project to build relationships between the School of History at the University of Leicester and local community groups who are researching history under the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) ‘All Our Stories’ scheme.
Law in Children's Lives
A project that explores how far children see the law as an empowering force in their everyday lives.
The International Politics of Protection
Module code: PL7521 Protection is central to the theory and practice of politics. It relates to social contract theory, the consolidation of the modern state, cosmopolitan theory, human rights and state-building.
The International Politics of Protection
Module code: PL7521 Protection is central to the theory and practice of politics. It relates to social contract theory, the consolidation of the modern state, cosmopolitan theory, human rights and state-building.
The International Politics of Protection
Module code: PL7521 Protection is central to the theory and practice of politics. It relates to social contract theory, the consolidation of the modern state, cosmopolitan theory, human rights and state-building.
2018 news
Browse news relating to the Division of Biomedical Services from 2018.