
10585 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Earth observations of the atmosphere

    Module code: PA7201 This module will combine an introduction to the atmosphere and atmospheric sensing with practical experience in analysing large and complex atmospheric datasets.

  • Dissertation (Human Resource Management)

    Module code: MN3202 Dissertation is your opportunity to tailor your learning into an area of HRM that you find fascinating and want to know more about.

  • Earth observations of the atmosphere

    Module code: PA7201 This module will combine an introduction to the atmosphere and atmospheric sensing with practical experience in analysing large and complex atmospheric datasets.

  • Dissertation (Human Resource Management)

    Module code: MN3202 Dissertation is your opportunity to tailor your learning into an area of HRM that you find fascinating and want to know more about.

  • Earth observations of the atmosphere

    Module code: PA7201 This module will combine an introduction to the atmosphere and atmospheric sensing with practical experience in analysing large and complex atmospheric datasets.

  • Hate crime victims being let down by the police

    Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has published a new inspection report which reveals widespread problems with how the police deal with hate incidents and crimes.

  • Political Communication

    Module code: MS7034 Who are the key actors, institutions and what are the issues in political communication? How are they relevant on an international context? In this module you will discover varying responses to these key questions, before using your knowledge to critically...

  • Disputed Bodies: Narratives of Medical Research in Europe, c. 1940s to 2001

    WT096580MA, Large Programme Grant, Joint PI, Wellcome Trust funded from 2 March 2012 to 1st April 2018), a major new book and associated articles.

  • Top 10 New Years resolution lifestyle tips

    Working out with friends, exercising in short bursts and binning faddy supplements are some of the ways people can keep fit and help prevent chronic disease in the New Year.

  • Current and recent visiting fellows

    Details on the experience you need and the documents you need to submit to be eligable for Visiting Fellow status.

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