Centre for European Law and Internationalisation
You can view recent publications of CELI members by date below or by theme (2014-2019).
2019 publications
Babayev R, Private autonomy and the contours of its protection within the EU internal market framework, (Hart Publishing forthcoming).
Babayev R, Duality of economic freedom protection: interplay of Article 16 CFR and Article 102 TFEU, Common Market Law Review (forthcoming).
Bakircioglu O, ‘Disputed Bounds of Muslim Warfare’ (2019) 24 Journal of Conflict and Security Law (forthcoming).
Bakircioglu O, ‘Use of Force Discourse under International Law’ in Sayapin S (ed.) International Conflict and Security Law (T. M. C. Asser Press 2019).
Bates E, ‘Principled Criticism and a Warning from the ‘UK’ to the ECtHR?’, in M Breuer (ed.). Principled Resistance against ECtHR Judgments – a New Paradigm? (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2019).
Cole T, International Arbitration: The Practice and the Theory (with Pietro Ortolani) (Routledge 2019).Cole T, 'Judicial Interpretation of Standard Arbitration Clauses: ‘Any and All Claims Related’, in Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards (Cambridge University Press 2019) (with Rocio Digon and Kamil Mehiz).
Cortés P, ‘Using Technology and ADR Methods to Enhance Access to Justice’ (2019) International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution forthcoming
Cumper P and Lewis T, ‘Uncertainty, irony and subsidiarity: blanket bans and the European Court of Human Rights’ procedural turn’ ICLQ (forthcoming).
Cumper P and Lewis T, ‘Human rights and religious litigation – faith in the law’ Oxford Journal of Law and Religion (forthcoming).
Deplano R, ‘The riddle of custom: General Assembly resolutions’ in Droubi S and d’Aspremont J (eds), International Organizations and Non-State Actors in the Formation of Customary International Law (Manchester University Press forthcoming 2019 – in press).
Deplano R, Pluralising international legal scholarship: the promise and perils of non-doctrinal research methods (Edward Elgar forthcoming 2019).
Gies L, ‘British human rights scepticism through the lens of European newspapers’, in Farrell M, Drywood E and Hughes E (eds.) Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish (Routledge 2019).
Guerra S, 'Immigration, that’s what everyone’s thinking about …’ The 2016 British EU referendum seen in the eyes of the beholder (2109) 18 Journal of Language and Politics 651.
Guerra S, ‘The Political Representation of Citizens of Immigrant Origin in Greece, Italy and Spain’, in L. Morales and T. Saalfeld (Eds.), Understanding the patterns of political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in Europe (Oxford University Press 2019) with D. Vintila, A. Konstantinidou C. Schwammer, L. Ramiro.
Guerra S, ‘Actors, processes and structures: The measurement of the drivers of CIO representation, in L. Morales and T. Saalfeld (Eds.), Understanding the patterns of political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in Europe (Oxford University Press 2019) with L. Ramiro, L. Geese, S. M. Van Hauwaert, D. Kristen, D. Schacht, M. Sobolewska, & A. Wüst.
Hodson L, ‘A feminist approach to Alyne da Silva Pimentel Teixeira (deceased) v Brazil’, in Gonzalez-Salzberg D.A. and Hodson L, Research Methods for International Human Rights Law: Beyond the Traditional Paradigm (Routledge 2019).
Hodson L, ‘Mermaids and Utopias: the High Seas as Feminist Space?’ in Papanicolopulu I (ed.) Gender and the Law of the Sea (Brill 2019).
Hodson L., ‘Sexual Orientation and the European Convention on Human Rights: What of the ‘L’ in LGBT?’ Journal of Lesbian Studies (forthcoming 2019).
Hodson L & Gonzalez-Salzberg D A (eds), Research Methods for International Human Rights Law: Beyond the Traditional Paradigm (Routledge 2019).
Hodson L & Gonzalez-Salzberg D A, ‘Introduction: Human rights research beyond the doctrinal approach’, in Research Methods for International Human Rights Law Beyond the Traditional Paradigm (Routledge 2019).
Hodson L & Lavers T, ‘Feminist Judgments in International Law: An Introduction’ in Hodson L and Lavers T, Feminist Judgments in International Law (Hart Publishing 2019).
Hodson L & Lavers T (eds.), Feminist Judgments in International Law (Hart Publishing 2019).
Hodson L, Johnson P, Gonzalez-Salzberg, D A & Bengtson S, ‘Goodwin v the United Kingdom’, in Hodson L and Lavers T (eds.) Feminist Judgments in International Law (Hart Publishing 2019).
Riley S, ‘Human Dignity as a Sui Generis Principle’ (forthcoming Ratio Juris).
Riley S, ’Human Rights: Desiderata of a Theory of Change’ in ChmieliÅ„ski M and Rupniewski M (eds.) The Philosophy of Legal Change (Routledge 2019).
Rodgers L, ‘Labour Law and Vulnerability’ in Bedf3ord D and Herring J (eds.) Embracing Vulnerability: The Implications and Challenges for Law (Routledge 2019).
Rodgers L, ‘L’Ubérisation du travail – développements de cas au Royaume-Uni’ (2019) Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale (forthcoming)
Rodgers L, ‘Theorising labour law in the state of exception: political and judicial responses to crisis’ in A Blackham, Kullman M and Zybszewska A, Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World: Towards Inclusive Labour Law (Hart 2019).
Ryan B, ‘The Migration Crisis and the European Union Border Regime’ in Cremona M and Scott J (eds), EU Law Beyond EU Borders: The Extraterritorial Reach of EU Law (Oxford University Press, 2019).
Sáenz Pérez C, 'Minister for Justice and Equality v RO: Brexit Means Nothing Has Changed … Yet' (2019) 44 European Law Review 548.
Sancho Villa D, ‘Litigation on Regulations Rome I and Rome II: Spain’ in Guinchard E (ed.) Rome I and Rome II Regulations in Practice (Intersentia, forthcoming).
Ulph J, ‘Reviewing Due Diligence Measures in the Art Market’ in Mitsilegas V and Hufnagel S (eds.) Research Handbook in Transnational Crime (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)
Whitaker R ‘Select committees and Brexit: Parliamentary influence in a divisive policy area’ (2019) 72 Parliamentary Affairs 923 (with Philip Lynch).
Whitaker R, ‘Beyond Committees: Parliamentary Oversight and Coalition Government in Britain’ (2019) 42 West European Politics 1644 (with Shane Martin).
Whitaker R, ‘Brexit and the UK Parliament: Challenges and Opportunities’, in Thomas Christiansen and Diane Fromage (eds) Brexit and Democracy: The Role of Parliaments and Citizens (Palgrave 2019), with Philip Lynch and Adam Cygan.
Whitaker R, ‘A case of ‘You can always get what you want’? Committee assignments in the European Parliament’ (2019) 71 Parliamentary Affairs 162.
Wicks L, ‘An NHS Trust and others v Y and another [2018] UKSC 46: Reducing the Role of the Courts in Treatment Withdrawal’ (2019) Medical Law Review, forthcoming.
Witt A, ‘The European Court of Justice and the More Economic Approach – Is the Tide Turning?’ (2019) 64 Antitrust Bulletin (forthcoming).
Ziegler KS, ‘AWACS I (Ger)’, in Grote R, Wolfrum R and Lachenmann F (eds), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL) (2019)
Ziegler KS, ‘The Use of Force by the United Kingdom: Evolution of Accountability’, in Bradley C (ed), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law (OUP 2019) 771.
Ziegler KS, ‘AWACS I (Ger)’, in Grote R, Wolfrum R and Lachenmann F (eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL) (2019)
Ziegler KS, ‘The Use of Force by the United Kingdom: Evolution of Accountability’, in Curtis Bradley (ed), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law (OUP 2019) 771.
2018 publications
Bakircioglu O, ‘The Principal Sources of Islamic Law’ in Gray T (ed.), Islam and International Criminal Justice (The Nuremberg Academy Publishing 2018).
Bakircioglu O and Alkan Y S, ‘Brexit, the European Union Law and Freedom of Movement: The Legal Status of Turkish Citizens in the UK’ in Esen E (ed.) Opportunities and Threats in European Integration and Turkey-EU-Relations after Brexit (Peter Lang Publishing 2018).
Bates E co-author of D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Oxford University Press, fourth edition, 2018)
Bates E, ‘Article 5: The Right to Liberty’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2018).
Bates E, ‘Article 14: Freedom From Discrimination’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2018).
Bates E, ‘Article 15: Derogation in Time of Emergency’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2018).
Bates E, ‘Articles 16-18: Other Restrictions upon The Rights Protected’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Oxford University Press, fourth edition, 2018)
Bates E, ‘The Fourth, Sixth, Seventh and Thirteenth Protocols’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2018).
Bates E, ‘Lessons From the Past? The Principle of Consensus in the legitimacy-building era of the European Court of Human Rights’ in Kapotas, P and Tzevelekos, V (eds) Building Consensus on European Consensus (Cambridge University Press 2018).
Cole T, 'The Legitimacy of Online Arbitration in Europe', in Christian Aschauer & Maud Piers (eds.), The Brave New World of Arbitration: The Role of Technology and the Internet in International Arbitration (Cambridge University Press 2018) (with Pablo Cortés)
Cortés P, ‘Consumer ADR in Spain and the United Kingdom’ (2018) 7 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 82.
Cortés P, ‘Análisis de la Implementación del Régimen Europeo sobre las Reclamaciones de Consumo y Recomendaciones para su Transposición en España’ in Barral I., ADR en España (Reus 2018).
Cortés P and Cole T, ‘Legislating for an Effective and Legitimate System of Online Consumer Arbitration’ in Piers M and Aschauer C, Arbitration in the Digital Age: The Brave New World of Arbitration (Cambridge University Press 2018).
Cortés P, The Law of Consumer Redress in an Evolving Digital Market: Upgrading from Alternative to Online Dispute Resolution (Cambridge University Press 2018).
Cumper P and Lewis T, ‘Empathy and Human Rights: The Case of Religious Dress’ (2018) 18 Human Rights Law Review 61.
Cumper P, ‘Freedom of Religion and Belief’, in Harris et al, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (4th ed., OUP 2018).
Desmond A, 'The Private Life of Family Matters: Curtailing Human Rights Protection for Migrants under Article 8 of the ECHR?' (2018) 29(1) European Journal of International Law 261.
Guerra S, ‘Civil society and the EU’ in M. Cini and N. Perez-Solorzano (eds.) European Union Politics (Oxford University Press 2018) co-authored with H.J. Trenz.
Hamlyn O, ‘Assessing Member States’ Capacity for Reliable ‘Authorisation of PPPs’, and its Uniformity’. Report annexed to Dinu A and Karamfilova E, European Implementation Assessment of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 on the Placing of Plant Protection Products on the Market (Ex-Post Evaluation Unit, DG EPRS, 2018).
Guerra S, ‘Gender, Ownership and Engagement during the EU Referendum: Gendered Frames and the reproduction of Binaries’ (2018) 1 European Journal of Politics and Gender 387 (with R. Guerrina and T. Exadaktylos).
Guerra S, ‘Without losing my religion: The dilemmas of EU integration in Poland’ (2018) 8 Culture and Society: Journal of Social Research 52.
Hodson L, ‘Collaboration as Feminist Methodology: Experiences from the Feminist International Judgments Project’ (2018) 8 Oñati Socio-Legal Series 1224.Yeung H and Huang F, Institutions and Economic Growth in Asia (Routledge 2018).
Lorber P, 'Directive 2002/14/EC establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community' in Ales E, Bell M, Deinert O, Robin-Olivier S (ed), International and European Labour Law (Hart 2018).
Rodgers L, 'State Immunity and Employment Relationships before the European Court of Human Rights' (2018) ERA Forum.
Rodgers L, ‘The Operation of Labour Law as the Exception: the case of Public Procurement’ in Sanchez-Graells A (ed.) Smart Public Procurement and Labour Standards: Pushing the Discussion after Regiopost (Hart Publishing 2018).
Sáenz Pérez C, 'Constitutional identity as a tool to improve defence rights in European criminal law' (2018) 9 New Journal of European Criminal Law 446.
Sáenz Pérez C, 'Minister for Justice v. O'Connor: A Decisive Moment for the Future of the EAW in the UK' (2018) 3 European Papers 1017.
Whitaker R, ‘All Brexiteers Now? Brexit, the Conservatives and Party Change’ (2018) 13 British Politics 31 (with Philip Lynch)
Witt A, ‘The enforcement of Article 101 TFEU – what has happened to the effects analysis?’ (2018) 55 Common Market Law Review 417.
Yeung H and Huang F, ‘Law-finance-growth Nexus in the Context of Africa’ (2018) 11 Law and Development Review 513.
Yeung H, Liu X and Huang F, ‘The Coordinated Efforts of Regulating Overseas Listed Chinese Companies: A Historical Perspective and Recent Developments’ (2018) 18 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 43.
Yeung H, ‘The Admission and Regulation of Overseas Issuers: A Survey of Top Four Financial Centres' in Cumming D and Johan S (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of IPOs (OUP 2018).
Zelazna E and Calamita N J, ‘Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses: The Centrality and Limits of General Principles’ in Tanzi A, Gattini A and Fontanelli F (eds.), General Principles of Law and International Investment Arbitration (Brill 2018).
2017 publications
Bakircioglu O and Dickson B, ‘The European Convention in Conflicted Societies: The Experience of Northern Ireland and Turkey’ (2017) 66 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 263.
Bates E, ‘History [of Human Rights]’ chapter 1 in D Moeckli, S Shah, and S Sivakumaran (eds), International Human Rights Law, (Oxford University Press, 2017, 3rd ed.)
Bates E, ‘Democratic override (or rejection) and the authority of the Strasbourg Court: the UK Parliament and prisoner voting’, in M Saul, A Follesdal, & G Ulfstein. The International Human Rights Judiciary and National Parliaments: Europe and Beyond. (Cambridge University Press 2017).
Cole T (ed), The Roles of Psychology in International Arbitration (Kluwer 2017).
Cortés P, ‘Estudio de los Objetivos de la Normativa Europea de Resolución de Conflictos de Consumo y Propuestas para la Mejora del Sistema ADR/ODR Español’ (2017) 2 Revista Iberoamericana de Derecho Informático 57.
Cortés P, ‘Regulatory Developments in Mediation and in Technology Supported Mediation Schemes in the UK’ (2017) 23 Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 208.
Cortés P, ‘The Law of Consumer Redress in an Evolving Digital Market: Upgrading from Alternative to Online Dispute Resolution’ (2017) 4 International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 91.
Cortés P, ‘The Online Court: Filling the Gaps of the Civil Justice System?’ (2017) 36 Civil Justice Quarterly 54.
Cortés P, ‘The Need for Synergies In Judicial Cooperation and Dispute Resolution: Changes in the European Small Claims Procedure’ in Hess V and Kramer X. E. (eds.), From Common Rules to Best Practices in European Civil Procedure - Studies of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, no. 8 (Hart Publishing 2017).
Cortés P, ‘Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumers and Regulation (EC) 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution’ in Lodder A. and Murray A, Commentary on the EU Regulation of Electronic Commerce and Information (Edward Elgar 2017).
Cortés P, ‘Una Aproximación al Derecho Comparado en la Resolución de Litigios de Consumo’ in Lieble S. and Miquel Sala R (eds.) Integración Legal en Europa y América: Derecho de los Contratos Internacionales y ADR (Editorial Jurídica Continental 2017)
Cumper P, ‘Blasphemy, freedom of expression and the protection of religious sensibilities in 21st century Europe’ in Koltay A and Temperman J (eds.), Blasphemy and freedom of expression after the Charlie Hebdo massacre (CUP 2017).
Deplano R , ‘Building Pragmatic Utopias: The “Other” Security Council, International Law and the United Nations Dream’(2017) 60 German Yearbook of International Law 608.
Deplano R, ‘Assessing the Role of Resolutions in the ILC Draft Conclusions on Identification of Customary International Law: Substantive and Methodological Issues’ (2017) 14 International Organizations Law Review 227.
Desmond A (ed.), Shining New Light on the UN Migrant Workers Convention (Pretoria University Law Press 2017).
Gies L, ‘A Uniquely British Debate? The Relative Invisibility of the European Convention in the European Press’, in Smyth C.-M and Lang R (eds.), The Future of Human Rights in the UK (CUP 2017).
Guerra S, ‘Anger and protest: referendum and opposition to the EU in Greece and the UK’ (2017) 30 Cambridge Review of International Affairs 305 (co-authored with E. Fanoulis).
Guerra S, ‘Young people and the EU: It’s about European perspective economic and life expectations’, in N. Startin, S. Usherwood and B. Leruth (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism (Routledge 2017).
Guerra S, ‘Eurosceptic voices: beyond party systems, across civil society’, in M. Caiani and S. Guerra (eds.) Euroscepticism, Democracy and The Media. Communicating Europe, Contesting Europe (Palgrave Macmillan 2017).
Hodson L, ‘Queering the Terrain: Lesbian Identity and Rights in International Law’ (2017) 7 feminists@law.
Lorber P, 'Economic Dismissals in the United Kingdom: The Judiciary and its Search for Compliance with EU Law' (2017) 4 Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale 182.
Riley S, Human Dignity and Law: Legal and Philosophical Investigations (Routledge 2017).
Rodgers L, ‘Race Discrimination and Migrant Domestic Workers: a Legal Loophole’ (2017) 3 International Labor Rights Case Law Journal 116.
Rodgers L, 'The Inviolability of Diplomatic Agents in the Context of Employment' in P Behrens (ed.) Diplomatic Law in a New Millenium (OUP 2017).
Ryan B, ‘Negotiating the Right to Remain after Brexit’ (2017) 31 Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law 197.
Sancho Villa D, ‘The Concept of Establishment and Data Protection Law: Rethinking Establishment?’ (2017) 42 European Law Review 491.
Ulph J, ‘Frozen in Time: Orphans and Uncollected Objects in Museum Collections’ (2017) 24 International Journal of Cultural Property 1.
Whitaker R, ‘The UK Independence Party (UKIP) and other primarily Eurosceptic parties’ in Nick Startin and Simon Usherwood (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism (Routledge 2017).
Whitaker R, ‘Understanding MEPs: Four Waves of the European Parliament Research Group MEP Survey’ (2017) 18 European Union Politics 491 (with Simon Hix and Galina Zapryanova).
Wicks L, ‘The Legal Definition of Death and the Right to Life’ in McCorristine S, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mortality and Its Timings: When is Death? (Palgrave 2017).
Wicks L, ‘International Trends in the Recognition of Abortion Rights’ in Buckley C, Donald A & Leach P (eds.), Towards Convergence in International Human Rights Law: Approaches of Regional and International Systems (Brill 2017).
Zelazna E, ‘Assessment of the Jurisdictional Conflict between the CJEU and Investor-State Tribunals from the Perspective of Neofunctionalism’, in Fach Gomez K (ed.), EU Policy on International Investments: Uncertainties, Challenges, Opportunities (JM Bosch Editor 2017).
Ziegler KS, ‘Autonomy: From Myth to Reality – or Hubris on a Tightrope? EU Law, Human Rights and International Law’, in Douglas-Scott S and Hatzis N (eds) Research Handbook on EU Human Rights Law (Edward Elgar 2017), Chapter 12.
Ziegler KS, ‘Immunity v Human Rights: The Right to a Remedy after Benkharbouche’ (2017) 17 Human Rights Law Review 127.
2016 publications
Babayev, 'Private autonomy at Union level: On Article 16 CFREU and free movement rights' (2016) 53 Common Market Law Review 979.
Babayev R, 'Re-shaping the paradigm of social solidarity in the EU: on the UK’s welfare reforms and pre- and post-EU referendum developments' (2016) 18 European Journal of Social Security 356.
Bakircioglu O, Islam and Warfare: Context and Compatibility with Modern International Law (Routledge 2016).
Bates E, ‘Activism and self-restraint: the margin of appreciation’s Strasbourg career… its ‘coming of age’?’, in Symposium in Honour of Judge Paul Mahoney 36 (2016) 7 Human Rights Law Journal 261.
Cortés P, ‘Online Small Claims Courts: the Reform of the European Small Claims Procedure’ (2016) 22 Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 111. Cortés P, ‘The Digitalisation of the Judicial System: Online Tribunals and Courts’ (2016) 22 Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 141. Cortés P, The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press 2016).
Cortés P, ‘Online Mediation in Cross-Border and Commercial Matters in the UK: A Proposal for a European Legal Framework’ in Bujosa Vadell L ed., Electronic Mediation and E-Mediator: Proposal for the European Union (Comares 2016).
Cortés P, ‘The Electronic Mediator in the UK’ in Bujosa Vadell L. ed., Electronic Mediation and E-Mediator: Proposal for the European Union (Comares 2016).
Cortés P, ‘Introduction’ in Cortés P, The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press 2016).
Cortés P. and Esteban de la Rosa F., ‘La normativa europea de resolución de conflictos de consumo y su transposición en España: una oportunidad para mejorar los derechos de los consumidores aprovechando las experiencias positivas en el Derecho comparado’ (ADICAE, 2016).
Cortés P, ‘Legal Developments in the Field of Civil and Commercial Mediation in the UK’ in Bujosa Vadell L. ed., Electronic Mediation: A Comparative Perspective (Comares 2016).
Cortés P, ‘The New Landscape of Consumer Redress: The European Directive on Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution’ in Cortés P, The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press 2016).
Cortés P and Manko R, ‘Developments in European Civil Procedures’ in Cortés P, The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Cortés P, ‘The Consumer Arbitration Conundrum: A Matter of Statutory Interpretation or Time for Reform?’ in Cortés P, The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press 2016).
Cortés P, Pilia C and Vargiu P, ‘The Implementation of the Consumer ADR Directive in Italy’ in Cortés P, The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press 2016).
Cortés P, ‘Conclusion: Ensuring the Provision of Consumer Dispute Resolution’ in P. Cortés, Cortés P, The New Regulatory Framework for Consumer Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press 2016).
Cortés P, ‘El Impacto en el Reino Unido de la Directiva sobre la Resolución Alternativa de Litigios y del Reglamento de Resolución de Litigios en Línea’ in Palao Moreno G, Los Nuevos Instrumentos Europeos en Materia de Conciliación, Mediación y Arbitraje de Consumo (Tirant 2016).
Cortés P, ‘Enforcing EU Consumer Policy More Effectively: A Three-Pronged Approach’ in Drake S and Smith M, New Directions in the Effective Enforcement of EU Law and Policy (Edward Elgar 2016).
Desmond A, 'The Development of a Common EU Migration Policy and the Rights of Irregular Migrants: A Progress Narrative?' (2016) 16(2) Human Rights Law Review 247.
Desmond A & Wiesbrock A, 'Directive 2014/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals for the purpose of employment as seasonal workers' in Hailbronner K &.Thym D, eds., EU Immigration and Asylum: A Commentary (2nd Edition, Hart 2016).
Guerra S, ‘Distrust Unbound: What next after joining the EU’ (2016) 49 The Journal of Communist and Post-Communist Studies 233.
Guerra S, 'Between dialogue and Euroscepticism: an analysis of the religious discourse at the EU level' in J. FitzGibbon, B. Leruth and N. Startin (eds.) The emergence of a new sphere of opposition: Euroscepticism as a transnational and pan- European phenomenon? (Routledge 2016).
Riley S, ‘Architectures of Intergenerational Justice: Human Dignity, International Law, and Duties to Future Generations’ (2016) 14 Journal of Human Rights 272.
Riley S, ‘Human Rights and Duties to Future Generations: The Role of An International Constitution’ in Bos G and Düwell M (eds.), Human Rights and Sustainability: Moral Responsibilities for the Future (Routledge 2016).
Rodgers L, Labour Law, Vulnerability and the Regulation of Precarious Work (Edward Elgar Publishing 2016).
Ryan B, ‘The Frontex Regulation and Sea Borders Regulation’, in Hailbronner K and Thym D (eds), EU Immigration and Asylum Law: A Commentary (2nd edition, Hart 2016)
Ulph J, ‘The Museums Association’s Code of Ethics 2015’ (2016) XXI Art Antiquity and Law 143.
Whitaker R, ‘Continuing Fault Lines and New Threats: European Integration and the Rise of UKIP’ in Gillian Peele and John Francis (eds) David Cameron and Conservative renewal: The limits of modernisation? (Manchester University Press 2016) with Philip Lynch.
Wicks L, The State and the Body: Legal Regulation of Bodily Autonomy (Hart, 2016)
Wicks L, ‘Nicklinson and Lamb v United Kingdom – Strasbourg Fails to Assist on Assisted Dying in the UK’ (2016) 24 Medical Law Review 633.
Witt A, The More Economic Approach to EU Antitrust Law (Hart Publishing 2016)
Witt A, ‘Restrictions on the use of third-party platforms in selective distribution agreements for luxury goods’ (2016) 12 European Competition Journal 435.
Yeung H and Huang F, ‘Certainty over Clemency: English Contract Law in the Face of Financial Crisis’ in BaÅŸoÄŸlu B (ed.), The Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts - Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision - Comparative Study (Springer 2016).
Zelazna E and Calamita N J, ‘The Changed Landscape of Transparency in Investor-State Arbitration: the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules and the Mauritius Convention’ in Klausegger C and others (eds.) Austrian Yearbook of International Arbitration 2016 (Stämpfli Verlag 2016).
Ziegler KS, ‘Beyond Pluralism and Autonomy: Systemic Harmonisation as a Paradigm for the Interaction of EU Law and International Law’ (2016) 35 Yearbook of European Law 667.
Ziegler KS, ‘The Relationship between EU law and International Law’, in Patterson D and Södersten A (eds), Blackwell Companion for European Union Law and International Law (Wiley-Blackwell 2016) 42.
2015 publications
Babayev R, 'Contractual discretion and the Limits of Free Movement Law' (2015) 23 European Review of Private Law 875.
Bates E, ‘The UK and Strasbourg: A Strained Relationship - The Long View’, in K S Ziegler, E Wicks and L Hodson (eds), The UK and European Human Rights: A Strained Relationship? (Hart 2015).
Cole T, 'Arbitration in Southern Europe: Insights from a Large-Scale Empirical Study' (2015) 26 American Review of International Arbitration 187 (with Pietro Ortolani and Barbara Warwas).
Cole T, 'Diversity in Arbitration in Europe: Insights from a Large Scale Empirical Study' (2015) Transnational Dispute Management (2015) (with Pietro Ortolani).
Cole T, 'Legal Instruments and Practice of Arbitration in the EU' (2015) Transnational Dispute Management (with Ilias Bantekas, Christine Riefa, Federico Ferretti, Barbara Warwas and Pietro Ortolani) (republication of European Parliament study).
Cortés P, ‘A New Regulatory Framework For Extra-Judicial Consumer Redress: Where We Are And How To Move Forward’ (2015) 35 Legal Studies 114.
Cortés P, ‘EU’s Initiatives on ADR and ODR’ (2015) 21 Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 257.
Cortés P, In-Depth Analysis European Small Claims Procedure and the Commission Proposal Workshop for the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) of the European Parliament on Cross-Border Activities in the EU – Making Life Easier for Citizens (2015).
Cortés P, ‘La Adecuación del Sistema Británico al Nuevo Derecho de Resolución Alternativa de Litigios de Consumo’ in Esteban de la Rosa F (ed.) La Protección del Consumidor en Dos Espacios de Integración – Una Perspectiva de Derecho Internacional, Europeo y Comparado (Tirant 2015).
Cortés P, ‘Online Dispute Resolution for Businesses – Embedding Online Dispute Resolution in the Civil Justice System of the EU’ in C. Adamson, Online Dispute Resolution: An International Business Approach to Solving Consumer Complaints (NetNeutrals 2015).
Cortés P, ‘The Impact of EU Law in the ADR Landscape in Italy, Spain and the UK: Time for Change or Missed Opportunity?’ (2015) 16 ERA Forum 125.
Cortés P, ‘Un Análisis Comparativo de los Mecanismos de Resolución Alternativa de Litigios de Consumo’ (2015) 15 InDret Review on the Analysis of Law 1.
Cortés P and Esteban F, ‘Un Nuevo Derecho Europeo para la Resolución Alternativa y en Línea de Litigios de Consumo’ in Esteban de la Rosa F. (ed.) La Protección del Consumidor en Dos Espacios de Integración – Una Perspectiva de Derecho Internacional, Europeo y Comparado (Tirant 2015).
Deplano R, The Strategic Use of International Law by the United Nations Security Council: An Empirical Study (Springer 2015).
Desmond A, 'Regularization in the EU and the US: The Frequent Use of an Exceptional Measure' in Acosta D & Wiesbrock A (eds.), Global Migration: Old Assumptions, New Dynamics (Praeger 2015).
Desmond A, 'The Triangle that Could Square the Circle? The UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, the EU and the Universal Periodic Review' (2015) 17 European Journal of Migration and Law 39.
Gies L, ‘Human Rights, the British Press and the Deserving Claimant’, in Ziegler K, Wicks L and Hodson L (eds.) The UK and European Human Rights: A Strained Relationship? (Hart Publishing 2015).
Hamlyn O, ‘Sustainability and the Failure of Ambition in European Pesticides Regulation’ (2015) 27 Journal of Environmental Law 405.
Hodson L, Wicks L and Ziegler Z, The UK and European Human Rights: A Strained Relationship? (Hart 2015).
Lorber P and Cremers J, 'Transposition of provisions of the Recast Directive on the functioning of the European Works Council' in Jagodzinski R, Variations on a theme? The implementation of the EWC Recast Directive (ETUI 2015).
Lorber P and Jagodzinski R, 'Enforcement frameworks and employees’ rights of access to enforcement procedures' in Jagodzinski R, Variations on a theme? The implementation of the EWC Recast Directive (ETUI 2015).
Riley S, ‘Human Dignity and the Rule of Law’ (2015) 11 Utrecht Law Review 91.
Rodgers L, ‘The Interpretation of Article 6 ECHR and Access to Justice for Public Employees’ (2015) 40 European Law Review 563.
Rodgers L, ‘Immunity and the Public/Private Boundary in EU Employment Law’ (2015) 6 European Labour Law Journal 48.
Sancho Villa D, ‘Developing Search Engine Law: It Is Not just about the Right to Be Forgotten’ (2015) 42 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 357.
Ulph J, ‘Dealing with UK Museum Collections: Law, Ethics and the Public/Private Divide’ (2015) 22 International Journal of Cultural Property 177.
Whitaker R, 'United Kingdom’ (2015) 54 European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 302.
Wicks L, ‘The Supreme Court Judgment in Nicklinson: One Step Forward on Assisted Dying; Two Steps Back on Human Rights’ (2015) 23 Medical Law Review 144.
Wicks E, Ziegler KS and Hodson L, ‘The UK and European Human Rights: Some Reflections’ in KS Ziegler, E Wicks and L Hodson (eds), The UK and European Human Rights - A Strained Relationship? (Hart Publishing 2015), 495 (Chapter 25, with E Wicks and L Hodson).
Yeung H, ‘A Tale of Two Cities - the Development and Reform Experiences of Shenzhen and Shanghai’ (2015) 13 Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 369.
Ziegler KS, Wicks E and Hodson L, ‘The UK and European Human Rights – A Strained Relationship?’ in Ziegler KS, Wicks E and Hodson L (eds), The UK and European Human Rights - A Strained Relationship? (Hart Publishing 2015) (Chapter 1, with E Wicks and L Hodson).
Ziegler KS, Wicks E and Hodson L (eds), The UK and European Human Rights - A Strained Relationship? (Hart Publishing 2015).
2014 publications
Bates E (together with D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley), The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Oxford University Press 2014).
Bates E, ‘Article 5: The Right to Liberty’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Oxford University Press 2014).
Bates E, ‘Article 14: Freedom From Discrimination’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2014).
Bates E, ‘Article 15: Derogation in Time of Emergency’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2014).
Bates E, ‘Articles 16-18: Other Restrictions upon The Rights Protected’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2014).
Bates E, ‘The Fourth, Sixth, Seventh and Thirteenth Protocols’ in D J Harris, M O’Boyle, E Bates, C Buckley, The Law of the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press 2014).
Bates E, ‘Analysing the Prisoner Voting Saga and the British Challenge to Strasbourg’ (2014) 14 Human Rights Law Review 504.
Cortés P, ‘Online Dispute Resolution Services: A Selected Number of Case Studies’ (2014) 20 Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 172.
Cortés P, ‘Small Claims in Ireland and the EU: The Need for Synergy between National Courts and Extrajudicial Redress’ in Neuwahl N and Hammamoun S (eds.), The Philosophy of Small Change: Transnational Litigation in the EU and Beyond (Éditions Thémis 2014).
Cortés P and Lodder A, ‘Consumer Dispute Resolution Goes Online: Reflections on the Evolution of European Law for Out-Of-Court Redress’ (2014) 21 Maastricht Journal 14.
Cumper P, ‘Multiculturalism, human rights and the accommodation of sharia law’ (2014) 14 Human Rights Law Review 31.
Deplano R, ‘The welfarist approach to international law: an appraisal’ in Singh P and Mayer B (eds.), Critical International Law: Postrealism, Postcolonialism and Transnationalism (OUP 2014).
Gies L, Mediating Human Rights: Media, Culture and Human Rights Law (Routledge 2014).
Guerra S, ‘Determinants of Support for EU Integration: West & Politics and East & Economy or EU Identity’ in B. Stefanova (ed.) The European Union beyond the Crisis: Evolving Governance, Contested Policies, and Disenchanted Publics (Lexington Books 2014) with Fabio Serricchio.
Hodson L, ‘Women's Rights and the Periphery: CEDAW's Optional Protocol’ (2014) 25 European Journal of International Law 561.
Hodson L, ‘Activists and Lawyers in the ECtHR: The Struggle for Gay Right’ in Anagnostou D (ed.), Rights and Courts in Pursuit of Social Change: Legal Mobilisation in the Multi-Level European System (Hart Publishing 2014).
Lorber P, '2009/38/EC: European Works Council’ in Schlachter M (ed.), EU Labour Law – A Commentary (Wolters Kluwer 2014).
Rodgers L, ‘Public Employment and Access to Justice in Employment Law’ (2014) 43 Industrial Law Journal 373.
Ryan B, ‘At the Borders of Sovereignty: Nationality and Immigration Policy in an Independent Scotland’, (2014) 28 Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law 146.
Ryan B, ‘Employer Checks of Immigration Status and Employment Law’ in Cathryn Costello and Mark Freedland (eds), Migrants at Work (OUP 2014).
Ryan B and Mantouvalou V: ‘The Labour and Social Rights of Migrants in International Law’ in Ruth Rubio Marin (ed), Human Rights and Immigration (Oxford University Press 2014).
Whitaker R, ‘United Kingdom’ (2013) 53 European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 311.
Whitaker R,, ‘Tenure, turnover and careers in the European Parliament: MEPs as policy-seekers' (2014) 21 Journal of European Public Policy 1509
Whitaker R, 'Understanding the formation and actions of Eurosceptic groups in the European Parliament: pragmatism, principles and publicity' (2014) 49 Government and Opposition 232, with Philip Lynch.
2013 publications
Attenborough D, 'The Vacuous Concept of Shareholder Voting Rights', forthcoming (2013) 14(2) European Business Organization Law Review.
Cortés P, ‘Building a Global Redress System for Low-Value Cross-Border Disputes’ (2013) 62(2) International Comparative Law Quarterly 407-440 (with F. Esteban de la Rosa).
Cortés P, ‘A Comparative Review of Offers to Settle – Would an Emerging Settlement Culture Pave the Way for their Adoption in Continental Europe?’ (2013) 32(1) Civil Justice Quarterly 42-67.
Cygan A, ‘Regional Governance, Subsidiarity and Institutional Balance in the EU’s Multi-Level Governance Framework’ (2013) 19 European Public Law 161-188.
Hodson LC, ‘Women's Rights and the Periphery: CEDAW's Optional Protocol’ in European Journal of International law.
Hodson LC, ‘Activating the Law: Exploring NGOs' Legal Responses to Gross Human Rights Violations. In M. R. Madsen, & G. Verschraegen (eds), Making Human Rights Intelligible: Towards a Sociology of Human Rights (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2013).
O’Connell P, ‘Let Them Eat Cake: Socio-Economic in an Age of Austerity’ in Harvey, Nolan and O’Connell (eds), Human Rights and Public Finance (Oxford, Hart Publiching 2013)
Vargiu P, Environmental Expropriation in International Investment Law, in T Treves and F Seatzu (eds.), Foreign Investment and Common Concerns: An International Law Perspective (T.M.C. Asser Press, forthcoming 2013)
Vargiu P ‘When Investment Law Takes Over: Towards a New Legal Regime to Regulate Asia Pacific's Submarine Cable Boom’, (2013) 29 Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (forthcoming, with F Borgia).
Yeung H, Chinese Companies and the Hong Kong Stock Market (Routledge, forthcoming in 2013) (with Flora Huang).
Ziegler KS (ed), Current Problems in the Protection of Human Rights in Germany and the UK (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2013, with PM Huber).
2012 publications
Attenborough D, 'Giving Purpose to the Corporate Purpose Debate: An Equitable Maximisation and Viability Principle' (2012) 32 Legal Studies 4-34 (winner of the Best Paper Prize for the 2011 Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Cambridge University).
Babayev R, ‘Equal treatment on grounds of movement and Union choice-of-law rules under Article 81 TFEU’, (2012) 19 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 63-83.
Bell M, 'Between Flexicurity and Fundamental Social Rights: the EU Directives on Atypical Work' (2012) 37 European Law Review 31-48
Bell M, 'Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: Alternative Pathways in EU Equality Law' (2012) 60 American Journal of Comparative Law 127-146.
Cortés P, ‘Il Ruolo dell’ADR nelle Controversie Familiari: una Riflessione sull’Offer to Settle fra Giurisdizioni in un Confronto tra Common Law e Civil Law’, in Le Ragioni degli Altri. Mediazione e Famiglia tra Conflitto e Dialogo: una Prospettiva Comparatistica ed Interdisciplinare (Firenze University Press, 2012).
Cortés P,‘Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers -Online Dispute Resolution Methods for Settling Business to Consumer Conflicts” in M Wahab, E Katsh, D Rainey (eds), Online Dispute Resolution (Eleven International Publishing, 2012) - 2012 CPR Book Prize.
Cygan A, ‘National Parliaments within the EU Polity - No Longer Losers But Hardly Victorious” (2012) 12 ERA Forum 517-533.
Cygan A, ‘Collective’ Subsidiarity Monitoring by National Parliaments after Lisbon – The Operation of the Early Warning Mechanism’, in Trybus and Rubini (eds), After Lisbon: The Future of European Law and Policy (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 2012) 55-73.
Gillies L, ‘Creation of Subsidiary Jurisdiction Rules in the Recast of Brussels I: Back to the Drawing Board?’ (2012) 8 Journal of Private International Law 489- 512.
Gillies L, ‘Jurisdiction for Cross-Border Breach of Personality and Defamation under Article 5(3) of Regulation EC 44/2001: e-Date Advertising and Martinez’, (2012) 61 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1007.
Gillies L,‘Determining the Applicable Law for Breach of Competition Claims in the Rome II Regulation and the Need for Effective Consumer Collective Redress’, in M Kenny and J Devenney (eds), European Consumer Protection : Theory and Practice (Cambridge, CUP 2012).
Hodson LC, ‘Ties that Bind: Towards a Child-Centred Approach to Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender Families Under the ECHR’ (2012) 20 The International Journal of Children's Rights 501-522.
Hodson LC, ‘States of Impunity: The Role of NGOs in Addressing Gross and Systematic Violations of the ECHR’, in C Santos (ed), Mobilização Transnacional do Direito: Portugal e o Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos [Transnational Legal Mobilization of Human Rights: Portugal and the European Court of Human Rights] (Almedina Press 2012).
Lorber P, Industrial Relations in the UK (Intersentia 2012) (with T Novitz).
Lorber P, ‘La protection des travailleurs en contrats à durée déterminée : l’utilisation délibérée de la Directive’ (2012) 1 Revue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale 71-79.
Mulder J, ‘Some more equal than others? Matrimonial benefits and the CJEU case law on the discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation’, (2012) 19 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 505-523.
Mulder J, ‘Article 13: Economic and Social Life’ in Ingrid Westendorp (ed), The Women's Convention Turned 30: Achievements, Setbacks and Prospects (Cambridge, Intersentia 2012) 303-321 (with D Schiek).
O’Connell P, ‘Fundamental Social Rights’ in Tushnet, Fleiner and Saunders (eds), Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law (Oxford, Routledge 2012) 375 (co-authored with G Katrougalos).
Omorogbe E, ‘The African Union, Responsibility to Protect and the Libyan crisis’ (2012) 59 Netherlands International Law Review 141-163.
Thomas S, 'Transfers of Documents of Title under English Law and the Uniform Commercial Code' [2012] Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 573-605.
Thomas S, 'Goods with embedded software: obligations under Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979' (2012) 26 International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 165-183
Thomas S, ‘The Right to Reject for Short Delivery and Termination’ (2012) 11 Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 44-64.
Vargiu P, ‘The Inuit Declaration on Sovereignty in the Arctic: Between the Right to Self-Determination and a New Concept of Sovereignty?’ (2012) 4 The Yearbook of Polar Law 189–204 (with F Borgia).
Witt A, ‘Public Policy Goals under EU Competition Law – Now Is the Time to Set the House in Order’, (2012) 8 European Competition Journal 443-471.
Witt A, ‘From Airtours to Ryanair - is the more economic approach really about more economics?’ (2012) 49 Common Market Law Review 217–246.
Yeung H, ‘Managing Corporate Risks by Regulating Executive Pay: A Legal and Economic Analysis’ (2012) 2 Durham Law Review 43-63.
Yeung H, ‘Law and Finance: What Matters? Hong Kong as a Test Case’ (2012) 3 Asian Journal of Law and Economics 1-28 (with Flora Huang).
Ziegler KS (ed), Englisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht [English Commercial and Economic Regulatory Law] (Frankfurt, Recht und Wirtschaft 2012, with V Triebel, M Illmer, W-G Ringe and S Vogenauer).
2011 publications
Bell M, 'Achieving the Objectives of the Part-Time Work Directive? Revisiting the Part-Time Workers Regulations' (2011) 40 Industrial Law Journal 254-279
Bell M,'British Developments in Non-Discrimination Law: the Equality Act' in R Schulze (ed), Non-Discrimination in European Private Law (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2011) 209-231.
Bell M, 'The Principle of Equal Treatment: Widening and Deepening' in P Craig and G de Burca (eds), The Evolution of EU Law (2nd edn, Oxford, OUP 2011) 611-639.
Bell M, 'Exploring the Boundaries of Positive Action under EU Law: a search for Conceptual Clarity' (2011) 48 Common Market Law Review 1503-1526 (with Lisa Waddington).
Bell M, 'The Principle of Non-discrimination within the Fixed-Term Work Directive' in MA Moreau, Before and After the Economic Crisis: What Implications for the 'European Social Model'? (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 2011) 155-169.
Bell M, 'Promoting Equality through Social Inclusion: Case Studies from the European Social Charter' in T Novitz and D Mangan (eds), The Role of Labour Standards in Development: From Theory to Sustainable Practice? (OUP 2011) 76-94.
Cortés P, ‘Negocia o Atente a las Consecuencias – La Condena en Costas en los Derechos del Common Law y su Aplicación en el Proceso Civil Español’, (2011) 11 inDret Procesal: Revista para el Analisis del Derecho 1-37 (with F. Sotelo).
Cortés P, ‘Developing Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the EU: A Proposal for the Regulation of Accredited Providers’ (2011) 19 International Journal of Law and Information Technology 1-28.
Crifó C, ‘Europeanisation, Harmonisation and Unspoken Premises: the Case of Service Rules in the Regulation on a European Small Claims Procedure (Reg. No 861/2007)’ (2011) 30 Civil Justice Quarterly 283-303.
Cumper P, '”Public Reason”, Judicial Deference and the right to Freedom of Religion and Belief under the Human Rights Act 1998’, (2011) 22 Kings Law Journal 131-156 (with T Lewis.
Cunningham S, ‘Complicating Complicity: Aiding and Abetting Causing Death by Dangerous Driving in R v Martin’ (2011) 74(5) Modern Law Review 767-793.
Cygan A, ‘The Parliamentarisation of EU Decision-Making? The Impact of the Treaty of Lisbon on National Parliaments’ (2011) 36 European Law Review 478-497.
Gillies L, 'The EU Optional Instrument: Absorbing the Private International Law Implications of a Common European Sales Law’ (2011) 13 Yearbook of Private International Law 315-344 (with M Kenny and J Devenney).
Gillies L,‘Clarifying the ‘Philosophy of Article 15’ in the Brussels I Regulation: C-585/08 Peter Pammer v Reedere Karl Schluter GmbH & Co and C-144/09 Hotel Alpenhof GesmbH & Co KG v Oliver Heller’ (2011) 60 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 557-564.
Hodson L, ‘A Marriage by Any Other Name? Schalk and Kopf v Austria’, (2011) 11 Human Rights Law Review 170-179.
Kaime T, The Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Cultural legitimacy Critique (Groningen, Europa Law Publishing 2011).
Kaime T, ‘Cultural Legitimacy and Regulatory Transitions for Climate Change: A Discursive Framework’ (2011) 3 Carbon & Climate Law Review 321-329.
Mangan D, ‘An Argument for the Common Law Defence of Honest Comment’ (2011) 16 Communications Law 140.
Mangan D (ed), The Role of Labour Standards in Development: From Theory to Sustainable Practice? (Oxford, Oxford University Press/The British Academy 2011) (with T Novitz).
Mangan D, ‘Seeking a normative solution for an exceptional circumstance’ (2011) Journal of Personal Injury Law 144.
Mulder J, ‘Intersectionality in EU Law – A Critical Re-appraisal’, in D Schiek and A Lawson (eds), European Union Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality: Investigating the Triangle of Racial, Gender and Disability Discrimination (Ashgate, Farnham 2011) 259-273 (with D Schiek).
O’Connell P, ‘The Death of Socio-Economic Rights’ (2011) 74 Modern Law Review 532.
E Omorogbe, ‘A Club of Incumbents? The African Union and Coups d’État” (2011) 44 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 123-154.
Omorogbe E, ‘Can the African Union Deliver Peace and Security’ (2011) 16 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 35-62.
Shaw M, ‘The Article 12 (3) Declaration of the Palestinian National Authority, the International Criminal Court and International Law”, (2011) 9 Journal of International Criminal Justice 301-24.
Shaw M, ‘International Law: A System of Relationships’, (2011) 3 Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law 237-340.
Szyszczak E, ‘The Survival of the Market Economic Investor Principle in Liberalised Markets’ (2011) European State Aid Law Quarterly 35-40
Thomas S, ‘The Origins of the Factors Acts 1823 and 1825’ (2011) 32 Journal of Legal History 151-187.
Yeung H, ‘A Comparative and Functional Approach to Corporate Law Teaching’ (2011) 8 US-China Law Review 856-865.
Yeung H, ‘From Further North: The Case of Rusal’s (Russian Aluminium) Listing in Hong Kong’ (2011) 22 International Company and Commercial Law Review 56-64.
Ziegler KS, The evolution of fundamental rights charters and case law: a comparison of the European and the United Nations systems (together with L Lazarus, N Ghanea, C Costello, European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies 2011 (250 pages), http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/download.do?language=en& file=34751
Ziegler KS, ‘International Law and EU Law: Between Asymmetric Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation’, in Alexander Orakhelashvili (ed) Research Handbook on the Theory of International Law (Cheltenham, Elgar 2011), chapter 10, pp. 268-327
Ziegler KS, ‘”Abuse of Law” in the Context of Free Movement of Workers’, in Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer (eds), The Prohibition of Abuse of Law – A New General Principle of EU Law? (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2011), chapter 21, pp. 295-314.
2010 publications
Cortés P, Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union (Routledge 2010).
Cumper P, ‘Last Rites and Human Rights: Funeral Pyres and Religious Freedom in the United Kingdom’ (2010) 12 Ecclesiastical Law Journal 131-151 (with T Lewis).
Cunningham S, ‘Recklessness: Being Reckless and Acting Recklessly’ (2010) 21 King’s Law Journal 445-467.
Cygan A, ‘State Liability After Traghetti: Have National Courts Finally Been Brought In To Line?’ in Cygan A and Spadacini L (eds), Constitutional Implications of the Traghetti Judgment: Italian and European Perspectives (Gussago, Bibliofabbrica 2010) 32-54.
Cygan A, ‘The European Court of Justice and External Relations: Internationalist Objectives or Integrationist Priorities’, in D Bailey and U Wunderlich (eds), The Handbook on the EU and Global Governance (London, Routledge, 2010) 107-119.
Graham C, EU and UK Competition Law (London, Longmans 2010).
Hodson L, NGOs and the Struggle for Rights in Europe (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2010).
Kaime T, ‘Vernacularising’ the Convention on the Right of the Child: Rights and culture as Analytic Tools’, (2010) 18 International Journal of Children’s Rights 637-653.
Lorber P, ‘United Kingdom National Report’, in F Dorssemont and T Blanke (eds), The Recast of the European Works Councils Directive (Intersentia/ETUI 2010) 213-223.
Mangan D, ‘Human Rights and the Workplace in a Global Market Economy’ (2010) 65 Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 673.
Mangan D, ‘Failed Business Reorganisation: Compensating the Stigmatised Employee’ (2010) 21 King’s Law Journal 393.
Mangan D, 'The Leadership Predicament: School Principals and the Law in Ontario’ (2010) 11 Education Law Journal 36.
Mangan D, ‘The Challenge of Identifying Teachers as Professionals’, in R Flynn (ed), Educational Leadership Today and Tomorrow: The Law as Friend or Foe (Toronto, Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education 2010) 275.
Brunger Y, ‘“In the Interests of Peace and the Interests of Justice”, Deferrals: A Constructive Tool for Conflict Resolution?’, in Quenivet N and Shah-Davis S (eds), International Law and Armed Conflict (Asser Press 2010).
O’Connell P, ‘The Human Right to Health in an Age of Market Hegemony’, in Harrington and Stuttaford (eds), Global Health and Human Rights: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (Oxford, Routledge 2010) 190.
O’Connell P, ‘Brave New World?: Human Rights in the Era of Globalisation’, in Baderin and Ssenyonjo (eds), International Human Rights Law: 60 Years after the UDHR (Surrey, Ashgate 2010) 195.
Szyszczak E, ‘Controlling Dominance in European Markets’ (2010) 33 Fordham International Law Journal 1738 -1775.
Szyszczak E, ‘ADR: Effective Protection of Consumer Rights?’ (2010) 5 European Law Review 695-706 (with J Davies).
Thomas S, ‘Do Freegans commit theft?’ (2010) 30 Legal Studies 98-125.
Vargiu P, 'The establishment of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal’, (2010) 7 International Organizations Law Review 261.
Wicks L, The Right to Life and Conflicting Interests (Oxford University Press, 2010).
Wicks L,‘Positive and Negative Obligations under the Right to Life in English Medical Law’, in J Yorke (ed), Orientations of the Right and Value of Life (Ashgate 2010).
Witt A, ‘The Commission’s Guidance Paper on Abusive Exclusionary Conduct - more radical than it appears?’ (2010) 35 European Law Review 214–235.
Yeung H, ‘Just Another Casino? The Case of Launching the Growth Enterprise Board in China’ (2010) 21 International Company and Commercial Law Review 68-81.