
21008 results for: ‘%s’

  • Andrew Dunn: Page 103

    Academic Librarian.

  • Decoy protein injection could stop COVID-19

    Coronavirus image Illustration of coronavirus|Decoy proteins that bind and trap the coronavirus to stop it infecting cells in our bodies are being developed by the University of Leicester.

  • From English sparkling wine to digital protests in China

    In the latest in a series of opinion pieces Drs Sarah Robinson and Elke Weik from the School of Management have written an article for the Management is Too Important Not to Debate blog discussing what makes English sparkling wine so special.

  • Entrepreneurship and SMEs

    The strength of the SME sector is often perceived as a barometer of a country's economic health.

  • Olympus Cytological imaging system

    Get more information about the Olympus Cytological imaging system housed in the Advanced Imaging Facility.

  • Eric Henry Janson Teasdale (1896– 1917)

    21st January 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the death in action of Lieutenant Eric Henry Janson Teasdale, who at the age of just twenty gave his life during the First World War.

  • Locating the choir within the church

    A small area above the human remains in Trench 1 was carefully widened with a digger to give archaeologists better access to the burial. Jo Appleby and Turi King began to carefully remove the grave soil by hand. Work was slow, to avoid damage to the skeleton.

  • Leicestershire and Rutland County Lunatic Asylum

    What we have known since the 1960s as the Fielding Johnson Building was originally the Leicestershire County Lunatic Asylum: the first public provision of care for pauper ‘lunatics’ (an all-encompassing term used at the time for many mentally and physically debilitating...

  • Programme to tackle graduate gender pay gap

    Our University will officially launch the third annual Sprint Programme as part of its commitment to advancing gender equality and improving the employability of students from less advantaged backgrounds on Monday 8 February 2016.

  • Physics and Astronomy Blog: Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in

    Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in the School of Physics and Astronomy.

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