
10574 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Department of Geology to host Palaeontology conference

    The University's Department of Geology Palaeobiology Research Group has announced it will host the early career researchers’ conference Progressive Palaeontology 2017 Progressive Palaeontology, known as ProgPal, is a vibrant annual conference organised by and for early...

  • First worldwide patient recruited to kidney study

    A team of Leicester researchers is conducting a number of clinical trials in different types of kidney disease and has recently started a study examining a new treatment for IgA Nephropathy.

  • Research and Enterprise Committee

    See the Research Strategy Policy and Performance Committee's terms of reference and membership, including details of their role, responsibilities, reporting hierarchy and meetings.

  • Environmental System Science MSc

    This interdisciplinary MSc will allow you to develop a deep understanding of environmental system behaviour, on local and global scales, whilst also learning how the environment has been impacted by humans and how we can best manage these impacts.

  • Menopause Policy highlighted on BBC Sunday Politics

    Menopause research that helped to shape a government report, and led to Leicester becoming the first UK University with a menopause policy, will be the subject of discussion during an upcoming episode of BBC Sunday Politics East Midlands.

  • Student who started as a 12-year-old is youngest ever to graduate from our University

    A remarkable student, who just turned 15 last month, has gained a first-class Honours BSc degree in Mathematics from our University. Yasha Asley was only 12 when he embarked upon the three-year undergraduate degree.

  • Project to provide scientists with access to worlds largest highenergy gammaray observatory

    Our University is part of a new project that will provide scientists with access to the world’s largest and most sensitive high-energy gamma-ray observatory. CTA is a global initiative to build the world’s largest and most sensitive high-energy gamma-ray observatory.

  • Call to avoid type 2 diabetes made during national campaign to prevent condition

    A Leicester man with type 2 diabetes is urging people to do all they can to prevent being diagnosed with the condition which could potentially have “ruined his life”. Patrick Quinn was diagnosed with the condition that is usually associated with poor lifestyle in 2014.

  • Medicine with Foundation Year MBChB

    Medicine degrees aren’t easy to get into. But this doesn’t mean becoming a doctor is out of the question. If it looks like you won’t meet the entry requirements to study medicine at Leicester, this Foundation Year degree is your path to making it happen.

  • Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: Thesis format and submission (9.178-9.207)

    Thesis submission  9.

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