
13353 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Pint of Science festival returns to Leicester

    Tickets have launched for the world’s largest festival of public science talks, which will see more than 20 scientists take to the stage in venues across Leicester.

  • Framework for culturally competent research

    Funding The study was funded by University of East Anglia Seedcorn 2017. Meet the study team Professor Debi Bhattacharya Professor of Behavioural Medicine Professor Andrew Renzaho Professor of Humanitarian Development Studies Andre.Renzaho@westernsydney.

  • Antibiotic resistance for schools and colleges

    Information on antibiotic resistance for students learning at schools and colleges.

  • The Adventures of Charles Letagne – A Salutary Tale of Ethical Responsibility

    Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on August 13, 2020 A former colleague, who I worked with in an academic context, derived great amusement from referring to a paper by the (imaginary) academic Charles Letagne.

  • Strategic Resource Development

    Module code: MU7026 Module Outline Museums are made up of a number of resources. These include people, infrastructures and collections and associated information. This module explores how these resources are acquired – and how and why they are maintained and developed.

  • Expert reaction to the Manchester moorland fires

    Sue Page, Professor of Physical Geography from our School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, has provided expert comment on the Saddleworth Moor fire which has been raging for three days.

  • Senate regulation 12: Regulations governing student complaints

    Downloadable version of Senate Regulation 12 (PDF, 154KB) Introduction 12.1 Advice on the operation of the complaints regulations can be obtained from the Student Conduct and Complaints Team, or from the Advice Service in the Students’ Union.

  • Social Class and Inequalities

    Module code: SY2075 Debates around the Channel 4 programme 'Benefits Street' (2014) highlighted some of the problems with making 'poverty entertainment'.

  • Developmental genetics

    The University of Leicester's Virtual Genetics Education Centre is an award-winning hub for developmental genetics research.

  • Transnational Flows, Mediascapes and Global Meaning-Making in Intercultural Contexts

    Module code: MS7120 Module Outline This introductory module will provide you with an overview of the key concepts that define the field of international communication and culture.

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