
8685 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Italian Language (Upper Intermediate)

    Module code: IT3113 Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Italy.

  • ELCAS funding for members of the Armed Forces

    If you are a current or former member of the UK armed forces then you may be eligible for Ministry of Defence Enhanced Learning Credit Scheme (ELCAS) funding for your distance learning course.

  • Use Adaptive Release Advanced to restrict access to content in Blackboard

    Posted by Stephen Walker in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on October 19, 2016 An Adaptive Release rule consists of a set of criteria that defines the visibility of a content item to students. Criteria are the parts that make up the rule.

  • EarthSense Systems sponsors national air quality award

    EarthSense Systems, a joint venture between aerial mapping company Bluesky and our University, is sponsoring a national award for air quality.

  • Our approach

    Research England At the University of Leicester, they have clearly placed developing countries as the prime beneficiaries of their activities, have clear priorities in the case of funding increases or decreases, and have developed a theory of change to evaluate impact.

  • Museum Studies at Leicester

    The University of Leicester has acquired a reputation for experimental thinking and practice in museum studies. Read more on our study opportunities.

  • Statement from the University of Leicester

    Today, the University of Leicester wrote to all colleagues to confirm that 145 roles have been placed at risk of redundancy, with a potential net reduction of circa 60 posts.

  • Next Scarman Lecture discuss lifecycle of riots

    The esteemed criminologist Professor Tim Newburn (pictured) will visit Leicester to deliver this year's Scarman Lecture series.

  • Induction

    ID check and visa checkpoint information for new students starting at the University of Leicester.

  • Micro CT scanning

    The University of Leicester's Advanced Microscopy Facility (AMF) provides a range of microscopes for aiding academic learning.

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