
13308 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Making learning outcomes work for social responsibility and not neoliberalism – University of Leices

    The 'Learning Outcomes Project' at the University of Leicester. Making learning outcomes work for social responsibility and not neoliberalism.

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • Andrew Dunn: Page 8

    Academic Librarian.

  • Return of Title IV aid policy

    Overview This policy applies only to eligible US and non-US citizens receiving Title IV Financial Aid who began attending for a payment period (term or semester) and then withdrew or temporarily suspended during the payment period (term or semester).


    Social science APPlied Healthcare and Improvement REsearch Our research encompasses understanding problems in healthcare quality and safety, informing the design of interventions that could help, and conducting process evaluations of improvement programmes and interventions.

  • Queer Diasporas: Islam, Homosexuality and a Micropolitics of Dissent

    The Queer Diasporas project ran from September 2014 - August 2017. The study’s main aim was to challenge acerbic views on Muslim citizens by foregrounding their politically significant sexual dissidence.

  • Serena Iervolino: PhD reflections

    2013 was a memorable year for me. I completed my PhD, simultaneously experiencing a great sense of achievement but also terror. “What’s my next challenge?” I wondered.

  • Biological Sciences (Neuroscience) MBiolSci

    Computers are powerful machines, but no computer is more powerful or complex than the human brain. Studying neuroscience will reveal how brains and nervous systems work in animals, including humans – and what happens when something goes wrong.

  • Correspondence of war: translating the Bejach letters

    Posted by Eleanor Bloomfield in Library and Learning Services on October 25, 2023 Please note that this post contains content relating the Holocaust.

  • Listening to Winnifred

    A description of the discovery and contents of taped interviews with people known to Evelyn Waugh, conducted by Dr Winnifred Bogaards

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