Health outcomes of ethnic minorities living in cities explored in national report
Leading professors from the University of Leicester and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities in London have provided key recommendations in the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO) annual report to enhance care for ethnic minority populations living in cities
Genetic tool to predict adult heart attack risk in childhood
Powerful technology that paves way for early interventions to prevent heart attacks developed by international team involving Leicester researchers
Ghoulish practice of gibbeting corpses haunted public of the eighteenth century
Today, a typical Halloween night might include people dressing up as ghosts, ghouls and a creepy clown or two in order to frighten passers-by. But some of the disturbing practices from history might be more harrowing than a modern audience is used to encountering.
Physics and Astronomy Blog: Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in
Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in the School of Physics and Astronomy.
Study finds women experiencing delay in labour are willing to forsake their own birth plans
A new study of women’s experiences of delay in labour has revealed that many mums-to-be are prepared to abandon their antenatal plans for how they wanted their labours and births to be.
Leading microbiologist gives public lecture on bacteriophages
Naked Scientists podcast interview with professor Clokie now available University staff and students can watch the lecture here Professor Martha Clokie (pictured) in our Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation will give her inaugural lecture,...
A Scholarly Edition of Richard Baxters Reliquiae Baxterianae
AHRC Research Grant September 2011-August 2014 Professor John Coffey Richard Baxter’s 800-page folio Reliquiae Baxterianae (1696) is an unrivalled primary source for early modern historical, ecclesiastical, cultural and literary studies.
Exploring Mercury – National Space Centre Q&A with Dr. Suzie Imber
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 18 March 2021 Join special guest Dr Suzie Imber from our School of Physics and Astronomy for a free Facebook Live Q&A session about the past, present and future of exploring the planet Mercury, Friday 19...
Planning Projects and Designing Interpretive Exhibitions
Module code: MU7508 Module Outline This module offers students a chance to put their ideas, experiences, and theoretical tools into practice.
What does the election result mean for the future of British politics?
Tor Clark Associate Professor in Journalism dissects the general election results.