MPhil theses
2019 KUPFERMANN, Elias. The role of the castle and town of New Windsor during the English Civil Wars, 1642-1651. 2016 BAGNAS, Valerie. A micro-history of the poor relief response to crisis and dearth: Quainton, Buckinghamshire 1796-1804. 2014 RAY, Sylvia.
Fees and funding
How much studying for a year abroad will cost depends on where you go and your personal circumstances.
Autobiography and American Literature
Module code: EN3111 Module co-ordinator: Nick Everett American culture has always attached great value to the individual and autobiography – in one form or another – has always flourished in the United States.
Luca Nostri, Virtual exhibition, Solarolo
photography, exhibitions, Ghirri
David Revill
I am an administrator in the School of English at the University of Leicester.
Readinglist @ Leicester
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AstroSeminar: Prof. Ilya Mandel (Melbourne),”The promise of gravitational-wave astrophysics”. (Note
Posted by er198 in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 25 January 2021 This week the Wednesday Department seminar ( 27 Jan 2021 ) will be delivered by Prof. Ilya Mandel (Melbourne), at 10 am (please note the unusual time) . Please find below title and abstract of his talk.
Readinglist @ Leicester
Working demonstration of a reading list with online resources, webpages, YouTube video, open access journal articles, etc.
Previous research projects
More information on Politics and International Relations research cluster previous research projects.
Steering Committee (including members of Executive Group)
Steering Committee oversee the whole initiative