Applied Engineering Thermodynamics
Module code: EG2122 This is a specialist Mechanical Engineering module (also available to General Engineering students) which goes into more depth on different types of engine, power generation and refrigeration systems.
Making Art History
Module code: MU7003 Making Art History focuses how social and political shifts impact how art is seen, understood and valued.
GIS Research Methods in the Field
Module code: GY7050 In this module you will use a range of location enabled digital technologies to collect spatial data whilst in the field.
Social Evolution
Module code: BS3051 In this module you will study theories of kin selection and reciprocal altruism, and their implications for social organisation in organisms.
Applied Engineering Thermodynamics
Module code: EG2122 This is a specialist Mechanical Engineering module (also available to General Engineering students) which goes into more depth on different types of engine, power generation and refrigeration systems.
Media, Rights and Responsibilities
Module code: MS3041 This module looks at demonstrating an in depth understanding of the significance of media freedom and its potential conflict with competing interests.
Directory of Oral History
Browse resources for international oral history, national oral history and East Midlands oral history.
Doug Gregg
The academic profile of Doug Gregg, PhD Researcher at University of Leicester
The European Petrophysics Consortium (EPC) provides a range of services, in the form of scientific apparatus, logging facilities and software; with the flagship facility being the containerized petrophysics laboratory.
Library Champions
volunteering opportunities with the library, make a difference, build you skills, engage with your community.