

The University of Leicester is proud to sponsor the city's 2023 Diwali celebrations.

Diwali is a big deal in Leicester, not just for members of the Hindu, Sikh and Jain communities, but for everyone who loves a party – or great food.

Leicester City Council's annual Diwali celebrations always begin with the switching-on of the Diwali lights along the city's famous 'Golden Mile'. This year's switch-on, which is likely to attract up to 40,000 people, takes place on Sunday 29 October 2023.

There are further events throughout the city over the next fortnight, culminating on Diwali Day itself, which in 2023 falls on Sunday 12 November.

If you've recently moved to Leicester - from up the road or the other side of the planet - this is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the city's rich culture. And to try some great Indian cuisine!

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