David Wood collection
Find entries in our catalogue from the David Wood collection, which relate to the British Empire and Commonwealth theme.
Real World Research
Module code: SY3101 This module offers the opportunity to engage in research based learning through involvement in a real world research project.
Bringing Sociology to Work
Module code: SY2084 During this module you’ll consider your career path after graduating university and look at the various routes which are open to sociologists.
Heritage Field Project
Module code: HS2802 Participating in this module will give you hands on experience working in the heritage industry, offering you invaluable experience for the future.
Making Nazis: Propaganda and Persuasion In The Third Reich, 1933-1945
Module code: HS3693 In this module you’ll explore the key ideological characteristics of the Nazis regime and consider the impact of National Socialism on Germany state and society.
Application of Occupational Psychology
Module code: PS7589 In this module you will study the application of occupational psychology to individual employees and organisations. We will focus on evidence-based practice and helping you to become a scientist practitioner.
Module code: PS7409 This module gives you the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project from conception to report.
Module code: PS7558 This module gives you the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project from conception to report.
Module code: PS7409 This module gives you the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project from conception to report.
Application of Occupational Psychology
Module code: PS7589 In this module you will study the application of occupational psychology to individual employees and organisations. We will focus on evidence-based practice and helping you to become a scientist practitioner.