
21205 results for: ‘%s’

  • Are you addicted to your smartphone?

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on August 7, 2015 According to the latest Ofcom communications market report more people use smartphones than laptops.  33% regard it as their most used device for going online rather than a laptop.

  • Aerospace Engineering

    Explore the Aerospace and Computational Engineering at the University of Leicester.

  • Italian Language (Beginners)

    Module code: IT1020+IT1021 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive courses which bring you up to A2 Level of the common European Framework for languages (CEFR) in a year.

  • Italian Language (Beginners)

    Module code: IT1020+IT1021 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive courses which bring you up to A2 Level of the common European Framework for languages (CEFR) in a year.

  • Italian Language (Beginners)

    Module code: IT1020+IT1021 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive courses which bring you up to A2 Level of the common European Framework for languages (CEFR) in a year.

  • Help to Grow: Management Course

    The Help to Grow: Management course is a unique opportunity for professional growth, business development and collaborative learning delivering £7,500 of fully-funded training.

  • Our laboratories

    Browse our well-equipped archaeological laboratories, which we use for in-house scientific archaeology teaching and research.

  • Tutors

    Tutors at the English Language Teaching Unit

  • WPJ PhD Supervision

    We are open to supervising research on topics related to or the intersections of well-being, performance, and justice, covering work, individuals, and organisations. We use a range of methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.

  • Targeted cancer treatment could provide new hope for mesothelioma patients

    A new clinical trial will test whether a type of targeted cancer treatment could improve survival for people with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Mesothelioma develops in the lining of the lungs or abdomen, with most cases linked to breathing in asbestos fibres.

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