Anna scores soughtafter opportunity to work within beating heart of the television industry

PhD researcher Anna McKay from our School of History, Politics and International Relations will be working within the ‘beating heart’ of the television industry as one of only six emerging academics from across the UK to be selected to take part in the first ‘TV PhD’ mentoring programme.

‘TV PhD’ is a collaborative training and mentoring programme by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Edinburgh International Television Festival (ETF).

Establishing links between academic researchers and TV professionals, the programme has been designed to help participants secure work in, or with, the television industry. Those selected receive a unique opportunity for training and mentoring tailored to support them in their research and future careers.

As part of the programme, Anna and her fellow participants will spend four days at the Edinburgh International Television Festival from 20-24 August.

In addition to receiving 12 months of mentoring and development, during the festival she will be paired with an industry guide, and attend bespoke sessions to enhance the festival experience and provide support with networking opportunities.

Anna said: “I’m delighted to be taking part in this scheme. PhD researchers have an enormous range of transferable skills, and this a fantastic opportunity to see how they can be used in the film and television industry. I’m looking forward to making new contacts, attending the fascinating line-up of talks and building upon my previous industry experience.”