The Stanley Burton Centre contributes to and offers modules within undergraduate and postgraduate courses as part of our mission to foster study of the Holocaust. Find out more about studying with us, including opportunities within postgraduate research degrees.
Explore teaching, courses and studies for Biostatistics at the University of Leicester.
Neurobiology, Animal Behaviour and Evolution in the Field
Module code: NT3007 This module will provide an understanding of both the neural and the evolutionary basis of animal behaviour. In the first half of the module, you will focus on how nervous systems function to generate behaviour in a range of animal species.
Monday 13th August Sol 7
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 12, 2012 One of the things that Curiosity carries is 1.2 million names from 246 countries together with student essays and letters from the jpl engineers who constructed Curiosity.
Sunday 5th August. Landing Day.
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 5, 2012 I get up to a beautiful day in California with humming birds feeding and clear views of the San Gabriel Mountains. We will have a final MSL team briefing tonight at 9 pm PDT.
Adolescence in American Fiction and Film
Module code: EN3004 ‘Coming of age’ stories are one of the most popular types of narrative in post-war American culture.
Youth Culture and Politics
Module code: SY2081 Module co-ordinator: Shirley Beller In this module we will explore Western youth culture in both a sociological and a political context.
Adolescence in American Fiction and Film
Module code: EN3004 ‘Coming of age’ stories are one of the most popular types of narrative in post-war American culture.
Adolescence in American Fiction and Film
Module code: EN3004 ‘Coming of age’ stories are one of the most popular types of narrative in post-war American culture.
Mars Science Laboratory Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester