International Management Project
Module code: MN7411 Your research will centre on identifying and exploring a major management issue associated with a particular organisational topic or theme.
Principles of Geophysics
Module code: GL2108 Imaging physical properties within the Earth provides essential information for finding natural resources, identifying natural hazards, and understanding the planet we live on.
Micro to Macro
Module code: GL1102 This first-year module takes you on a journey of discovery about our world.
Electronics Test and Instrumentation
Module code: EG2201 Electronics devices are widely employed in modern society, from electrified transportation through to domestic appliances such as laptops and smart phones.
Relativity, Quantum Physics and Particles
Module code: PA2260 This module covers three of the most important and counter-intuitive topics of modern physics, which revolutionised our ideas about science and the nature of reality in the 20th century.
Mathematical Physics 1.1
Module code: PA1710 Physics is a mathematical subject.
Emeritus Professor Peter Harvey
We have learned the sad news that Professor Peter Harvey, Emeritus Professor in Geomathematics in the School of Geology, Geography and the Environment passed away on 10 January 2024.
Dr Xiangpu Gong
Research Associate - HPRU I am an HPRU Research Associate at the Centre for Environmental Health and Sustainability, University of Leicester.
BSc or MGeol?
Alongside the flexibility to change between the different degree programmes we also ensure that it is possible to transfer between the three-year (BSc) and the four-year (MGeol) degree, such that you can graduate with the qualification most appropriate for your future career.
Culture, heritage and languages
Our academics are keen to offer their expertise across the fields of culture, heritage and languages, with services including archaeological pursuits and translation.