Language of Kurds analysed at University of Leicester

The language of the Kurds has come under scrutiny at an event at the University of Leicester.

The Kurdistan International Studies Unit (KISU) organised the first of its events of the year as part of the Public Lecture Series on the Kurds and the Middle East. This consists of a panel engaged in debates over contemporary matters of international interest focused on Kurdish affairs.

The panel consisted of Dr Nick Smith, Dr Chryso Hadjidemetriou and Dr Dashne Sedeeq, from the School of Arts, discussing the prospects and challenges of using a standard language.

The lecture, with guest speaker, Dr Farhad Shakely, from the University of Uppsala (Sweden) – a prominent Kurdish poet and researcher – focused on the standardisation of the Kurdish language. Professor Julie Coleman, Head of College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, contributed to this dialogue with an opening speech.

Dr Marianna Charountaki, KISU Director, said: “The standardisation of the Kurdish language is a multi-dimensional matter as different elements - from politics to geography and possibly religion - need to be addressed”.

Dr Farhad Shakely added: “The standardisation process of the Kurdish language is new and when we talk about standardisation we refer to the written language.”

The Kurdistan International Studies Unit aims to bridge the gap in institutionalised research in the field of Kurdish Studies, politics and International Relations in the United Kingdom.