Tuition fees capped for new students starting in September

The University is pleased to confirm that students starting undergraduate courses with us in September will not be affected by inflation on their tuition fees. This follows a recent government announcement, subject to ministerial approval, which has permitted universities to raise their fees in line with inflation to £9,250 from 2017/18.

However, the University has taken the decision not to apply the fee increase to students starting in 2016/17 for the duration of their time with us as an undergraduate. The annual tuition fee for new students joining this September will remain at £9,000 for all years of full-time, campus based study.

Dr Tracy Carlton, Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment said: “Some universities might be applying this to students starting this September, meaning their fees will increase from £9,000 this year, to £9,250 next year. At the University of Leicester, we are pleased to be able to keep our fees at £9,000 for these students.

“We also offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries to students as we are committed to attracting the brightest and best students to our University, regardless of background. We do not want fears about finance to stop prospective students from considering further study.”

You can find out more about our scholarships and the financial support available to new students here. We look forward to welcoming all of our new students in September.