
16389 results for: ‘%s’

  • Human Resource Management in Practice

    Module code: MN2131 People professionals support the vision and goals of the organisation through great people interventions (CIPD 2022). Human resource management is a critical success factor for organisational effectiveness.

  • Employee Development and Workplace Learning

    Module code: MN7647 The rise of the 'knowledge economy' and 'Industry 4.0’ in recent years has generated considerable interest in the role of skills, knowledge and learning within organisations.

  • Management Project

    Module code: MN7410 Your research will centre on identifying and exploring a major management issue associated with a particular organisational topic or theme.

  • International Management Project

    Module code: MN7411 Your research will centre on identifying and exploring a major management issue associated with a particular organisational topic or theme.

  • Consumer Behaviour

    Module code: MN2121 Understanding consumer behaviour is critical to the successful execution of marketing strategies and brand building.

  • Employee Development and Workplace Learning

    Module code: MN7368 The rise of the 'knowledge economy' in recent years has generated considerable interest in the role of skills, knowledge and learning within organisations.

  • Theories of International Relations

    Module code: PL7515 This module provides a critical survey of the main theories associated with the study of international relations, from ‘orthodox’ approaches such as Realism and Liberalism to more radical theories including Marxism, Postmodernism and Gender-based approaches.

  • Relativity, Quantum Physics and Particles

    Module code: PA2260 This module covers three of the most important and counter-intuitive topics of modern physics, which revolutionised our ideas about science and the nature of reality in the 20th century.

  • Mathematical Physics 1.1

    Module code: PA1710 Physics is a mathematical subject.

  • Bioinformatics

    Module code: BS2040 ‘Bioinformatics’ gives an introductory overview of the underpinning principles of molecular biology that allow the acquisition, analysis and storage of information about genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes.

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