
16391 results for: ‘%s’

  • Home and away in early England

    Academic advisors: Dr Richard Jones and Professor Jo Story Research Associate: Dr Morn Capper Diasporas create environments within which people are not only forced to create new homes but to think deeply about the homes they have abandoned.

  • Contributing to care: Midwifery practice 2

    Module code: MW2011 This module is facilitated by a combination of lectures, online learning packages, clinical skills/simulation workshops and clinical practice.

  • Study

    Geography at the University of Leicester is top-ranked with particular strengths in critical geography, environmental change and management, and spatial literacy and modelling. Find out more about our courses.

  • Giving from Canada

    Learn more about your options if you would like to give towards the University of Leicester from the USA.

  • Introduction to Molecular Techniques

    Module code: MB7008 This module is designed to develop your experimental research skills and give you a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of key molecular biology techniques for working in bioscience laboratories.

  • Chemistry of the Real World

    Module code: CH1207 While you'll often be looking at chemistry from an academic viewpoint during your degree, you can't escape from the real world applications of your science.

  • Conference Interpreting 2

    Module code: TS3002 This module will be delivered via workshops in our well-equipped Conference Interpreting Suite. It is designed to further enhance your simultaneous interpreting skills with theme-based practice sessions.

  • Business and Financial Computing

    Module code: CO1109 Computing has made its way to the heart of many industries – one being the financial industry.

  • Financial Statement Analysis

    Module code: MN7241 You'll be studying a range of areas such as reporting, balance sheets, profit and loss, cash-flow statements management, financial forecasting and budgeting.

  • Politics, Conflict and Statecraft in Africa

    Module code: PL3150 This module is designed to introduce you to the world of African politics, diplomacy and statecraft. Specifically, the module draws insights from ancient, modern, and contemporary Africa to analyse international relations, statecraft and political conflict.

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