Virtual Genetics Education Centre

Microbial genomics lecture

This lecture illustrates the strategies used in microbial genome sequencing projects, compares genome content and organisation amongst microbes, and shows how to derive information on gene function across genome.

Learning objectives

  • Describe strategies involved in microbial genome sequencing and functional genomics
  • Provide examples of information that can be derived from genomics

Open helix bioinformatics tutorials

This site gives an introduction to genomics and bioinformatics with a wealth of resources for using programs to study genomics.

Resource: Open Helix
Approach: Interactive tutorials and webinars

Comparative bacterial genome analysis using NGS

This review article is a beginners guide to using bacterial genome analysis and includes topics such as: assembly, ordering of contigs, annotation of genomes etc.

Resource: Edwards and Holt (2013)
Approach: Topic material

Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes

This narrated video outlines the basic differences between prokaryotic/eukaryotic genes and genomes. This is a relatively basic analysis of genomics and would be best suited to first year undergraduates.

Resource: Genome comparison
Approach: Video

WGS in the undergraduate classroom

This paper outlines the use of a hands on sequencing project integrated into an undergraduate genomics module.

Resource: NCBI PMC
Approach: Lectures and practicals

An introduction to bioinformatics

This site contains tutorials for learning and teaching bioinformatics to beginners. Topics include an introduction to NCBI's BLAST program and linking genetic information to disease.

Resource: Bioinformatics in the classroom
Approach: Tutorials

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