
13284 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Physics and Astronomy Blog: Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in

    Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in the School of Physics and Astronomy.

  • Physics and Astronomy Blog: Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in

    Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in the School of Physics and Astronomy.

  • Rebecca Moore

    PhD student working on the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project

  • Saroa Rashid

    The academic profile of Dr Saroa Rashid, Post Doctoral Research Associate at University of Leicester

  • Katrin Schilcher

    The academic profile of Dr Katrin Schilcher, Lecturer in Microbial Molecular Biology at University of Leicester

  • Anisha Thanki

    The academic profile of Dr Anisha Thanki, Post Doctoral Research Associate at University of Leicester

  • Pneumonia

    Pneumonia is disease characterised by inflammation of the lungs, specifically the alveoli. Researchers within LeMID are most interested in the microbiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  • Brenda Udosen

    The academic profile of Mrs Brenda Udosen, Postgraduate Researcher at University of Leicester

  • Richard Packer

  • University figures feature in Most Influential People in Leicestershire list

    The Leicester Mercury has recently published its Most Influential People in Leicestershire 2016 brochure, which features staff, alumni, honorary graduates and others associated with the University of Leicester.

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