Comparative Neurobiology
Module code: BS3064 Module co-ordinator: Dr Tom Matheson How do different nervous systems detect, process, and act on signals from the environment? What principles of neuronal organisation and function underpin this signal processing and the behaviours that...
Microbiology and Cell Biology
Module code: BS1040 Module co-ordinator: Dr Shaun Heaphy This module will introduce you to the nature, relatedness, similarities and differences of known life on earth.
Literature and Cultural Identity: Contemporary Caribbean Writing
Module code: EN7139 Module co-ordinator: Dr Lucy Evans In this module we will explore a range of late-twentieth-century texts by writers from different islands within the Anglophone Caribbean region (Trinidad, Jamaica, Antigua, and St Lucia).
Archaeology CE
Module code: AR1604 In this module you will learn about cultures that shaped the world we live in.
1st May 2014 Sol 618
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 1, 2014 Here is a MastCam image of drilling in progress. This is the first ‘minidrill’ hole at Windjana. You can see that Red Mars is only a very thin layer on the planet.
Monday 24th September Sol 48
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on September 24, 2012 Mankind versus Machine #3 We visit the Mars Yard in JPL where the Curiosity engineering model is tested over rocky terrains.
Laura Dean
Congratulations to Mindhacks Posted by Laura Dean in School of Psychology on November 24, 2014 has won the British Psychological Society’s Public Engagement and Media Award.
Emma Bunce Discusses Planetary Missions on RAS podcast Posted by slc25 in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 1 October 2020 “I think I would probably go back in time and pick Voyager…“ Our Head of School, and President of the Royal Astronomical Society Prof.
Introducing the Library’s Inclusive Collections Group Posted by khn5 in Library and Learning Services on March 13, 2023 The University is working to develop a more inclusive curriculum, to make our teaching more inclusive and more responsive to our diverse student body.
Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys is the god of forensic science says bestselling crime author in new video
Bestselling crime writer Patricia Cornwell has paid tribute to the University of Leicester Professor who invented the technique of genetic fingerprinting during her visit to De Montfort Hall in Leicester to give a talk as part of the University Literary Leicester festival...