Leicestershire County Council safeguarding contacts
First response children’s duty 24/7
Telephone referrals – Priority 1 (requires same day response)
- +44 (0)116 305 0005 (including out of hours service)
Online referral forms (Social Care and ‘Request for Services’ forms)
First Response Children’s Duty
Room 100B, Pen Lloyd Building
County Hall,
Glenfield, LE3 8RA
First response professionals consultation line - For complex case advice (10.00am - 4.00pm)
- +44 (0)116 305 5500
CSE consultation line
- +44 (0)116 305 9521
Early help queries and consultation line
- +44(0)116 305 8727
- earlyhelpreferrals@leics.gov.uk
First response - Service managers
- Donna Smalley - donna.smalley@leics.gov.uk / +44 (0)116 305 6631
- Wendy Collins - wendy.collins@leics.gov.uk / +44 (0)116 305 4949
Allegations Manager/LADO
- Kim Taylor - Kim.Taylor2@leics.gov.uk / +44 (0)116 305 5641
- Lovona Brown - Lovona.Brown@leics.gov.uk / +44 (0)116 305 8161
Safeguarding development officers
- Simon Genders - simon.genders@leics.gov.uk / +44 (0)116 305 7750
- Ann Prideaux - ann.prideaux@leics.gov.uk / +44 (0)116 305 7317
To book training
- safeguarding.education@leics.gov.uk
- +44 (0)116 305 6314
CHANNEL referral (extremism/radicalisation)
- 101
- Prevent Engagement Team - prevent.team@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
CAMHS advisory service for professionals
- +44 (0)116 295 5048 (8.30am-3pm)
LEPS (Leics Ed Psychology Service)
- +44 (0)116 305 5100
United Against Violence and Abuse Helpline
- +44 (0)808 802 0028
UAVA Professionals Advice and Referrals
- +44 (0)116 255 0004