
Senate regulation 6: Regulations governing taught postgraduate programmes of study (2025/26 onwards)

Downloadable version of Senate Regulation 6 (PDF, 240kb)



These regulations set out:

  • a) how the University’s taught postgraduate degree programmes are structured and assessed
  • b) how decisions are made regarding a student’s progression through their degree
  • c) the requirements that a student must meet to achieve their award and how that award is classified 


These regulations apply to all students commencing taught postgraduate programmes after 1 August 2025. This includes students studying for an award of the University of Leicester full time or part-time, on campus, by distance learning or via a University partnership. Students who started a taught postgraduate programme before this point will typically be considered under the regulations which applied to their cohort when they started.


These regulations apply in full to all taught postgraduate programmes, including apprenticeships, unless otherwise stated. There may be some programmes where additional requirements beyond those set out in these regulations will apply. This will typically be where there are additional requirements set out by the external Professional, Regulatory or Statutory Bodies (PSRBs) which accredit the University’s degrees. Where this is the case a dispensation from these regulations can be granted by the Curriculum and Quality Sub-Committee. Where dispensations are in place for individual programmes these will be set out in the programme specification or module specifications as appropriate.


Regulations 6.18-6.34 and 6.36-6.46 apply to the taught components of professional doctorates. Further details and the additional specific requirements of these programmes are set out in the relevant programme specification.

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