
Assessment and re-assessment (6.22-6.46)


All credit bearing modules will contain one or more summative assessment.


The format of summative assessments for each module will be set out in the module specification. Module specifications will also state how the summative assessment components of a module will be combined to form a module mark and whether a particular mark must be gained in an individual component for the module to be passed.


The pass mark for an assessment on a postgraduate programme (FHEQ level 7) is 50.00%. This includes any level 6 modules which may be delivered as part of a level 7 award.


Some modules may include formative assessment components. It is not a requirement for formative assessment components to be attempted in order to pass a module.


Some modules may contain competency-based assessments. Such components will be recorded on a pass/fail basis and will not contribute marks to the calculation of a module mark. The relevant module specification will state whether a competency-based assessment must be passed to pass the module. Modules assessed solely by competency-based assessments will be excluded from the calculation of credit weighted averages.

Passing a module


Following the calculation of a mark for each summative assessment within a module, these will be combined according to the weighting set out in the relevant module specification to produce a mark for the module.


To pass a module and be awarded the associated credit a student must have:

  • Achieved the pass mark at module level
  • Met any module-specific requirements


The pass mark for all level 7 modules in a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme is 50.00%.


The pass mark for a level 6 module studied within a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme, is 50.00%.


Some modules require that individual components must achieve a minimum mark in order to pass the module overall. These are called qualifying components and will be set out in the module specification. A pass mark at module level without achieving the specific requirements for qualifying components will be designated a qualified fail and a student will be given the opportunity to re-sit the relevant components, where this is available.


Credit is only awarded at the level of the module. Partial credit will not be awarded in recognition of passing individual components within a module.


The following outcomes are permitted for an individual assessment component and a module:

Assessment or module mark Grade Outcome
>70.00% A Pass
60.00 - 69.00% B Pass
50.00 - 59.00% C Pass
40.00 - 49.00% CP or F Compensated Pass or Fail, depending on wider performance see 6.46-6.53
< 40.00% F Fail


Marks of individual assessment components, module marks and credit weighted averages are expressed to two decimal places.

Re-assessment of taught modules


The number of taught credits that a student may re-sit or re-submit is half of the credit value of the taught component of the programme, up to a maximum value of 60 credits. The following table sets out the maximum number of taught modules that may be re-assessed:

Award Taught credits: project credits  Taught credits which may be re-sat
MA, MEd, MSc, LLM, MBA, MEM 60:120  30   
90:90 45 
120:60  60 
150:30  60 
MRes  30:150  15 
60:120  30 
Postgraduate Diploma  120:0  60 
Postgraduate Certificate  60:0  30   


Students may not re-sit assessments that have been passed.


Modules which have not yet been passed due to mitigating circumstances will be considered in line with the Mitigating Circumstances Policy.


Students may not re-sit failed assessment components of modules in which an overall module pass mark has been achieved, unless the component in question has been designated as a qualifying component.


Students will typically be re-assessed via the original assessment format.


Re-assessment may involve submission of a whole new piece of work or revision and resubmission of the original assessment, dependent on what is appropriate for the discipline and module in question.


In some cases a module may be re-assessed by a different assessment pattern to that which the student originally took.


The nature of a piece of assessment, for example work done in the laboratory or during fieldwork, may mean that the assessment cannot be reassessed in the same form. If the assessment is necessary to assess the learning outcomes for the module, no suitable alternative assessment is possible, and failure in that component means that the module is failed overall, then the module will be deemed to have been failed without the possibility of reassessment.


Where an assessment component of a module is re-assessed the maximum mark that can be awarded for that component is capped at the pass mark (50.00%). This cap is applied at the level of the component, not for the overall module. The final module mark will be the weighted marks of all contributing components after the relevant cap is applied.


To pass a module following re-assessment a student must meet the same requirements set out in Senate Regulation 6.28 above.


Students will have two valid attempts at the assessment associated with a module, subject to the maximum permitted volume of re-sits for the programme set out in Senate Regulation 6.35. These are defined as a first attempt and a re-sit attempt. Attempts which have been disregarded due to accepted mitigating circumstances do not count as valid attempts for this purpose. Where a student fails to meet the requirements to pass a module after all eligible attempts the module will be considered failed and no credit awarded.


Where a student has undertaken a first attempt and a re-sit attempt, the higher of the marks will count.

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