
Progression between years (5.55 - 5.85)

Progression: principles


Modules may be designated as a pre-requisite for progression. Students must achieve a pass or compensated pass in pre-requisite modules to allow progression. Any programme specific progression requirements require approval by the University and will be set out in the relevant programme specification.


Progression requirements are an academic judgement of the amount of credit a student is required to pass within a year to demonstrate that they would be able to manage the content and workload in the next year. Students with accepted mitigating circumstances may not have had the opportunity to meet the requirements yet, and as a result have not met the academic threshold for progression. Students with accepted mitigating circumstances may be eligible for further attempts at assessment but cannot progress until they meet the thresholds set out in the following sections.


Where a student has reached a position before the end of a year where they are already unable to meet the requirements to progress or be awarded, they will be identified by their School and advised of their options. Examples include where a student has failed a non-re-sittable module or has exhausted re-sit attempts at a module from a previous year without achieving a pass.


Any student whose studies are terminated will automatically be awarded the highest intermediate award available on their programme for which they meet the awarding criteria.

Progression in foundation year


A Board of Examiners will consider the profile of each student at the end of the teaching and assessment for the year. The Board will apply the progression requirements for the Foundation Year as approved by the University and set out in the relevant programme specification.


Where students on a foundation year have failed to meet the progression requirements at the first attempt they will be referred for resubmission, where taking re-assessment would potentially allow them to progress.


A Board of Examiners will consider the profile of students who have undertaken further assessment following the relevant additional assessment window. The Board will apply the progression requirements for the Foundation Year as approved by the University and set out in the relevant programme specification.

Progression in year 1


A Board of Examiners will consider the profile of each student at the end of the teaching and assessment for the year.


In order to automatically progress to the next year of the programme, a student must:

  • a)Achieve a Pass mark in all modules for the year
  • b) Meet any programme specific requirements for progression as set out in the relevant programme specification.


Where a student does not meet these requirements, they will be referred by the Board of Examiners to be re-assessed in any module where the pass mark has not been reached, in line with requirements on re-assessment above.

Progression following re-assessment in year 1


A Board of Examiners will consider the profile of students who have undertaken further assessment following the relevant additional assessment window.


Boards of Examiners will apply the following progression rules in order:

  • a) Students who have achieved a pass or compensated pass in 120 credits will proceed to the next year
  • b) Students who have achieved a pass or compensated pass in 105 credits will proceed to the next year and re-sit the assessment for the failed 15 credit module alongside their studies
  • c) Students who have achieved a pass or compensated pass in 75 or 90 credits will be awarded a repeat year
  • d) Students who have not yet achieved a pass or compensated pass in 75 credits due to accepted mitigating circumstances will be awarded a repeat year (see 5.76 to 5.80 below)
  • e) In the absence of accepted mitigating circumstances, students who have failed to achieve a pass or compensated pass in 75 credits will have their studies terminated


Students must also meet any programme specific requirements that may be in place to progress.

Progression in years 2 and 3


A Board of Examiners will consider the profile of each student at the end of the teaching and assessment for the year.


In order to automatically progress to the next year of the programme, a student must:

  • a)Achieve a Pass mark in all modules for the year
  • b) Meet any programme specific requirements for progression as set out in the relevant programme specification.


In addition to the above, students on an Integrated Masters programme are required to obtain a minimum credit weighted average of 55.00% in each of years 2 and 3 of the programme to progress.


Where a student does not meet the requirements in 5.69 and 5.70 they will be referred by the Board of Examiners to be re-assessed in any module where the pass mark has not been reached, in line with requirements on re-assessment above.

Progression following re-assessment in years 2 and 3


A Board of Examiners will consider the profile of students who have undertaken further assessment following the relevant additional assessment window.


Boards of Examiners will apply the following progression rules in order:

  • a) Students who have achieved a pass or compensated pass in 120 credits will proceed to the next year
  • b) Students who have achieved a pass or compensated pass in 105 credits will proceed to the next year and re-sit the assessment for the failed 15 credit module alongside their studies
  • c) Students who have not yet achieved a pass or compensated pass in 105 credits due to accepted mitigating circumstances will complete their remaining assessments without residence in the following academic year
  • d) Students with extensive accepted mitigating circumstances may be granted a repeat year, or repeat semester where practical, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners
  • e) In the absence of accepted mitigating circumstances, students who have failed to achieve a pass or compensated pass in 105 credits will have their studies terminated
  • f) Students who have proceeded and re-sat failed modules from the previous year and who do not achieve a pass or compensated pass in such modules upon exhausting all valid attempts will have their studies terminated
  • g) Students who have undertaken a re-sit without residence and fail to meet progression requirements upon exhausting all valid attempts will not be able to proceed and will have their studies terminated.


Students must also meet any programme specific requirements that may be in place to progress.


In addition to the above, students on an Integrated Masters programme are required to obtain a minimum credit weighted average of 55.00% in each of years 2 and 3 of the programme to progress. Students who meet the requirements to progress set out in 5.73 but fail to meet the credit weighted average threshold above after re-assessment will be considered for transfer to the relevant Bachelors programme. Where this occurs at the end of year 3 students will be considered for the award of the relevant Bachelors degree in line with the scheme of classification for that award.

Repeat year or semester


A repeat year may be granted in year 1 where students meet the criteria set out in 5.66(c) or (d).


A repeat semester, where the programme structure allows, or a repeat year may exceptionally be granted where a student in any year has exceptional accepted mitigating circumstances which prevented them from being able to engage with study and assessment for an extended period within the year.


In reaching a decision on granting a period of repeat study a Board of Examiners will follow the recommendation of the Mitigating Circumstances Panel which in turn will comply with the definition of mitigating circumstances articulated in Senate Regulation 7.96.


Students may have more than one repeat period of study within their programme. Individual repeat periods of study will not exceed one year. Repeat periods of study contribute to the maximum registration period for the programme as set out in Senate Regulation 2. A repeat period that would take a student beyond their maximum period of registration will not be granted unless an Extension to Registration request has already been approved.


A student who is repeating a period of study will not carry credit, valid attempts, or marks over from the period / year repeated. Students will attend teaching and take assessments as if for the first time.

Re-sit without Residence


In years 2 and 3 where a student has accepted mitigating circumstances which result in their being unable to progress to the next year of studies, they will typically complete their remaining attempts without residence in the following academic year. This is defined as a ‘Re-sit without Residence’ year.


In a Re-sit without Residence year students will not be registered as a current student.


Students will undertake their remaining assessment attempts when the relevant assessments are delivered in the following academic year.


Re-sit without Residence years contribute to the maximum registration period for the programme as set out in Senate Regulation 2. A re-sit without residence period that would take a student beyond their maximum period of registration will not be granted unless an Extension to Registration request has already been approved.


Students who are awarded a repeat year at any point but who are not able to undertake it may request a Re-sit without Residence in place of a repeat year.

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