Student feedback
Feedback to students
The quality of feedback provided to students about their academic performance is a fundamental element of the University of Leicester's approach to learning and teaching.
Policy on the return of assessed work
The University has an approved policy that provides a clear structure and timescale for the provision of feedback to students on their assessed work.
Read the policy on the return of assessed work
Feedback on exam performance
The University has introduced five schemes for providing students - initially undergraduate only - with feedback on their examination performance.
Feedback charter
The University and Students’ Union have worked in partnership to establish a formal Feedback Charter. With a set of Feedback Principles at its heart, the Charter sets out supporting practices and expectations, for both staff and students, with the aim of engendering a collaborative approach to the giving and receiving of feedback on assessment.
Feedback from students
The University values student input and recognises the importance of its contribution to learning and teaching. There are various ways that students can give feedback. These include:
- formal representation on academic committees
- feedback via student staff committees
- by completion of student satisfaction surveys
- involvement in the institutional academic reviews of departments
- direct communication (face-to-face, by email or by telephone).
One of the key mechanisms for obtaining student feedback and insights is via the University’s student surveys framework. Collectively these surveys provide a core set of data and benchmarks to inform enhancement and activity and support monitoring and evaluation. The University’s Policy on Student Surveys establishes a coordinated approach to student surveys and sets out the key principles which should underpin all surveys in which students are invited to participate. Additionally, the Policy on Student Module Feedback sets out the requirements to enable all students to provide feedback on their learning and teaching experiences on individual modules.
Student Staff Committees
Student staff committees (SSCs) are the main formal channel of communication between students and staff in academic and related matters. They provide students with the means of raising matters of concern and are an ideal environment for discussing matters of interest to students and staff. They allow departments to feed student-informed views into University committees and activities, such as curriculum review.
The University’s approved Code of Practice on the Work of Student Staff Committees contains a framework for the operation of student staff committees (SSCs). The code was developed by staff and students. Members of SSCs, as well as heads of department, should ensure they are familiar with this code of practice.