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Leicester type 2 diabetes programme significantly improves health outcomes
People who take part in a type 2 diabetes education programme developed in Leicester say it makes them feel “empowered” to manage their condition...
Students and Staff explore brand new Digital Reading Room
The University's brand new Digital Reading Room, a collaborative learning space where students and staff can explore the digital world through a...
Academic to share research on violence and harassment in the digital economy
The International Labour Organization’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) and the University will launch a new research on psychosocial...
Leicester Criminologist to give expert evidence to House of Commons Home Affairs Committee
Professor Neil Chakraborti (pictured), Head of the Department of Criminology and Director of the Centre for Hate Studies, has been invited to give...
Understanding teenage angst
The way teenagers think is going to come under scrutiny at a lecture that is open to the public on Monday 30 April.
New research on global surface ozone levels highlights regions and populations most affected by air pollution
New research led by the Universities of Leicester and Edinburgh and a number of institutions worldwide has analysed ozone levels across the globe,...
SAPPHIRE group is partner in 42m new research institute to boost evidence on improving care in the NHS
A new research institute led by the University of Cambridge is seeking to create a world-leading asset for the NHS by improving the science behind...
School of Business talk to ask whether statistics matter in a world of fake news
For an upcoming lecture, National Statistician John Pullinger will discuss how statistical communication between those creating and using...
Research on Sikh gurdwaras in England and the 18th century wallpaper trade to be presented
Two recent PhD graduates from the University of Leicester will be delivering lectures on their respective specialist areas of Sikh gurdwaras in...
Hannah Lewis MBE to recount her experiences surviving the Holocaust
An upcoming lecture will see Holocaust survivor Hannah Lewis MBE recount her experiences growing up Poland and surviving the atrocities of the...