Leicester Medical School


At Leicester, you will learn from experts in their field and from patients. Our new curriculum allows enhanced time for patient contact and is designed to meet the needs and challenges of the NHS.

We are looking to attract people from all backgrounds who display a caring attitude and values consistent with those of the NHS constitution. You will take forward knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will prepare you for inevitable future changes in practice.

Learn more about our courses, including applying, finance and entry requirements

Our courses

Medicine MBChB (A100)
In this degree, you will meet patients from the outset and learn from experts in world-class facilities, and find out what it takes to become a doctor working in the industry today. Our excellent facilities include anatomical dissection of human cadavers.

Medicine MBChB with Foundation Year (A199)
Medicine degrees aren’t easy to get into. But this doesn’t mean becoming a doctor is out of the question. If it looks like you won’t meet the entry requirements to study medicine at Leicester, this Foundation Year degree is your path to making it happen.

Intercalated degrees
Whether you’re studying at Leicester Medical School or another institution, an iBSc or iMSc will give you a professional advantage once you graduate from your medical degree.

We are committed to preventing and dealing with racism within the learning environment or workplace and subscribe to the BMA Charter: A charter for medical schools to prevent and address racial harassment

Term Dates 2024-2025

Pre-Sessional Chemistry
and Biology:

Wednesday 11 September - Friday 13 September 2024

First Year
International Induction:

Friday 13 September 2024

First Year
Induction Week:

Monday 16 September - Friday 20 September 2024



Term 1

23 September 2024 - 13 December 2024

Term 2

6 January 2025 - 28 March 2025

Term 3

28 April 2025 - 6 June 2025

Year 1 and Year 2 Semesters

Semester 1

23 September 2024 - 12 January 2025

Semester 2

13 January 2025 - 6 June 2025

Year 3

27 August 2024 - Friday 11 July 2025

Year 4

27 August 2024 - Friday 11 July 2025

Year 5

2 September 2024 - 20 June 2025


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