Media and Communication at Leicester

Why Leicester?

Leicester has been a pioneering centre for media and communications research since the 1970s. We are experiencing an exciting period of growth and our research-active staff specialise in a wide range of subjects. Our research is interdisciplinary, drawing on the theories and methods of a range of social science and humanities disciplines including anthropology, film studies, linguistics, politics, psychology, social geography and sociology.

We offer opportunities for students to complete a PhD or MPhil in a lively, engaging and dynamic environment, led by some of the world's leading experts in their fields.

Along with an extensive research programme, research degree students benefit from:

  • A supervisory team comprised of a primary and secondary supervisor, responsible for guiding you through your programme of study
  • A third supervisor where appropriate, who will monitor and provide feedback on your progress, the quality of written work and supervision
  • A one-year doctoral training programme, consisting of two modules per term
  • A dedicated PhD common room containing computing facilities, printing and photocopying facilities
  • Invitations to all departmental seminars
  • Regular social gatherings and events
  • The opportunity to present your work at monthly post-graduate student seminars
  • Training opportunities to guide you on teaching, research activity, publication, and grant applications
  • Meetings of research groups and sessions designed to bring research interests together around particular research themes
  • Regular postgraduate conferences, where research students present their work to colleagues
  • Financial support to attend conferences and carry out fieldwork
  • The opportunity to contribute to the PhD student journal and to work with other emerging scholars

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