Library and Learning Services

Leicester Open Journals

Open Publishing at Leicester

University of Leicester is committed to community-led open access publishing. We support staff and students in publishing a number of open access journals.

University of Leicester Open Journals

The University publishes peer-reviewed academic research in museum studies, the teaching of physical sciences and interdisciplinary topics from its staff and students on University of Leicester Open Journals. We also support several teaching modules that run student-led journals as part of their program. Our current journals:

Our friends at For(e)dialogue, the journal run by research students in Media and Communications, now host their publication on the PubPub platform:

Open access policy

All our journals publish full, immediate open access content.

Article processing charges

There are no article processing charges (APCs) or submission fees.

Copyright and licensing

Our journals have different copyright and licensing arrangements according to their needs. Please refer to the specific journal’s policy, which can be found on their home page.

Author archiving policy

Unless otherwise stated, authors can archive pre-print and post-print versions of their article. The author’s pre-print (i.e. pre-refereeing) can be archived in pre-print servers or the author’s website. The published source must be acknowledged, and there must be a link to the published version when available.

The author’s post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing) can be archived in institutional and society repositories, PubMed Central, ArXiv and the author's personal website. The published source must be acknowledged, and there must be a link to the published version. The published version/pdf can be used.

There are no embargo periods.

Our service

We provide support on:

  • technical set up of a journal on Leicester Open Journals
  • training on use of the system
  • advice on copyright, licensing and contracts
  • indexing with major search engines and abstracting databases
  • ISSN and DOI assignment.

For further information, contact

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