Leicester Microbial Sciences and Infectious Diseases Centre (LeMID)


Here at Leicester we are interested in how the host immune response protects us against lethal infection, pathologies associated with the immune response, and how pathogens can avoid, resist or exploit our immune systems to cause disease.

Our immune systems protect us from lethal disease, and help to maintain a mutualistic relationship with our commensal microflora. At Leicester we are interested in the innate and adaptive immune responses to invading pathogens, including: coordination of immune responses, mechanisms by which immune cells kill pathogens, tactics employed by pathogens to evade the immune response, and how dysregulation of our immune response can become pathological (Andrew, Bayliss, Cooper, Oggioni ). We are also interested in adaptive immune responses, and how our understanding of these responses can help with the development of novel therapies and vaccines.

Dr Chris Brightling a Wellcome Senior Research Fellow and Clinical Professor in Respiratory Medicine, is currently working on understanding the interactions between mast cells and airway smooth muscle cells in the development of the asthmatic phenotype, airway smooth muscle migration and remodelling in asthma and COPD.

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