Leicester Microbial Sciences and Infectious Diseases Centre (LeMID)

Strategic areas

Microbiology plays a fundamental role in understanding disease and the new era of antimicrobial treatment

The strategic areas are devised from the interdisciplinary expertise of the LeMID network: microbiology, genetics, structural and chemical biology, mathematical and computational biology, physics, health and social sciences, respiratory medicine, clinical microbiology and infectious diseases.

Strategic areas

Our aims

  • Innovative understanding of bacterial pathogenesis and transmission of human and animal pathogens to develop novel interventions and diagnostics.
  • Understanding of host immunity to define therapeutic intervention for infection prevention and optimisation of vaccine responses
  • Exploration of host and microbe interaction at the genomic level to define markers for prediction of host susceptibility, severity of infection, or success of treatment or prevention systems
  • Mathematical modelling of infectious disease dynamics and host-pathogen interactions
  • Determination of the effects of the environment on infectious diseases
  • Evaluation of genomic traits in microorganisms, including yeasts, for safe, effective and innovative use of microorganism in the food industry 
  • Accelerated development of new therapies and diagnostics through the use of innovative ex vivo models
  • Development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies using alternative devices
  • Development of new alternative therapies particularly building on our world renowned expertise in bacteriophages

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