
Scheme of Assessment

The awards of the University are made and classified according to the relevant Scheme of Assessment. The Schemes of Assessment are regularly reviewed to ensure that they remain appropriate, reflect all relevant external regulatory and sector frameworks and ensure the continuing academic standards of the University’s awards.

The Schemes of Assessment in place for undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes can be found within the Senate Regulations and include the cohorts to which each scheme applies. Schemes of Assessment that were in place for students graduating from previous cohorts are also listed, or can be made available upon request.

Students graduating in 2025 will be considered under the standard scheme of assessment. During 2020 and 2021 the University introduced measures to protect the wellbeing and outcomes for our students arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. These typically only applied to the graduating cohorts in each year and further information can be obtained from EQED ( Students who commenced study before the 2019/20 academic year and are due to graduate in 2025 may still be eligible for some of the mitigations put in place at that time.

Owing to the unprecedented situation created by the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 the University determined, in common with much of the sector, that there would be no further summative assessment of first year undergraduate students. On the basis of engagement with their studies to date, students were automatically assigned a pass mark for their Semester 2 (January 2020 – May 2020) modules. No marks were assigned. Under University regulations, marks achieved in the first year of the programme do not count towards the calculation of the final degree classification. Students were required to meet academic progression requirements on the basis of assessment undertaken prior to the Covid-19 lockdown. Transcripts of students who studied their first year in 2019/20 thus reflect the awarding of the pass grade, with no mark assigned.

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