School of Geography, Geology and the Environment



  • Branney, M.J., Acocella, V. 2015; in press. Calderas. In Encyclopedia of Volcanoes. 2nd Ed. Academic Press.


  • Gales, J.A., Leat P.T., Larter, R.D., Kuhn, G., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Graham, A.G.C., Mitchell, N.C., Tate, A.J., Buys, G.B. and Jokat, W. 2014. Large-scale Submarine slides, channel and gully systems on the southern Weddell Sea margin, Antarctica, Marine Geology, 348, 73-87. Read the article.
  • Heap M., Baud P., Meredith P., Vinciguerra S., and Reuschlé T., The permeability and elastic moduli of tuff from Campi Flegrei, Italy: implications for ground deformation, Solid Earth, 5, 25-44, 2014. Read the article.
  • Holwell, DA, and Keays, RR. 2014. The formation of low volume, high tenor magmatic PGE-Au sulphide mineralisation in closed systems: evidence from precious and base metal geochemistry of the Platinova Reef, Skaergaard Intrusion, east Greenland. Economic Geology, 109 (2). Read the article.
  • Jordan, T. A., Neale, R. F., Leat, P.T., Vaughan, A.P.M., Flowerdew, M.J., Riley, T.R., Whitehouse, M.J. and Ferraccioli. F. Structure and evolution of Cenozoic arc magmatism on the Antarctic Peninsula; a high resolution aeromagnetic perspective. Geophysical Journal International, in press
  • Leat, P.T., Fretwell, P.T., Tate, A.J., Larter, R.D., Martin, T.J., Smellie, J.L., Jokat, W. and Bohrmann, G. 2014. Bathymetry and Geological Setting of the South Sandwich Islands Volcanic Arc (various scales), BAS GEOMAP 2 Series (Sheet 6) British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
  • Pearce, J. A., Hastie, A. R., Leat, P. T., Dalziel, I. W., Lawver, L.A., Barker, P .F., Millar, I. L., Barry, T.L. and Bevins, R.E. Geochemical evidence for the life cycle of the ancestral South Sandwich arc: implications for the flow of deep ocean water and mantle through the Drake Passage gateway. Global and Planetary Change, in press
  • Smellie, J.L., Rocchi, S., Wilch, T.I., Gemelli, M., Di Vincenzo, G., McIntosh, W., Dunbar, N., Panter, K. and Fargo, A. 2014. Glaciovolcanic evidence for a polythermal Neogene East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Geology, 42, 39-41. Read the article.
  • Smith, D.J., 2014. Clinopyroxene precursors to amphibole sponge in arc crust. Nature Communications, In press
  • Williams R., Branney, M.J., Barry, T.L. 2014. Temporal and spatial evolution of a waxing then waning catastrophic density current revealed by chemical mapping. Geology 42:107-11 (Open Access online, from Dec 2013)
  • Williams, R.W., Branney, M.J., & Barry, T.L., 2014, Temporal and spatial evolution of a waxing then waning catastrophic density current revealed by chemical mapping. Geology


  • Barry, T.L., Kelley, Reidel, S., Camp, V S.P., Self, S., Jarboe, N., Duncan, R., & Renne, P., 2013, Eruption chronology of the Columbia River Basalt Group. In Reidel, S.P., Camp, V.E., Ross, M.E., Wolff, J.A., Martin, B.S., Tolan, T.L., and Wells, R.E., eds., The Columbia River Flood Basalt Province. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 497, 45-66. Read the article.
  • Brown, R.J., Branney, M.J. 2013. Internal flow variations and diachronous sedimentation within extensive, sustained density stratified pyroclastic currents flowing down gentle slopes, as revealed by the internal architectures of ignimbrites on Tenerife. Bulletin of Volcanology 75: 727 doi 10.1007/s00445-013-0727-0 (in press). Read the article.
  • Dávila-Harris, P., Ellis, B.S., Branney,M J. Carrasco-Núñez, G., Pringle, M.S. 2013. Lithostratigraphic analysis and geochemistry of a vitric spatter-bearing ignimbrite: the Quaternary Adeje Formation, Cañadas volcano, Tenerife. Bulletin of Volcanology, doi 10.1007/s0045-013-0722-5
  • Faoro I., Vinciguerra S., Marone C., Elsworth D., Schubnel A., Linking permeability and mechanical damage for basalt from Mt Etna Volcano, Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 40, 1–6, doi:10.1002/grl.50436, 2013. Read the article.
  • Heap M. J., Mollo S., Vinciguerra S., Lavallée Y., Baud P., Dingwell D.B., Iezzi G., von Aulock F.W., Thermal weakening of the carbonate basement under Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): Implications for volcano instability, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 250, 42-60, 2013. Read the article.
  • Jordan, T. A., Ferraccioli, F., Ross, N., Siegert, M.J., Corr. H.F., Leat, P.T., Bingham, R.G. and Rippin, D.M. 2013. Structure and inland extent of the Mesozoic Weddell Sea Rift, Antarctica, imaged by new aerogeophysical data. Tectonophysics, 585, 137-160. Read the article.
  • Knott, T., Branney, M. J., Christiansen, E.H., Reichow, M. K., McCurry, M., Shervais. J. (2013b). Drilling a ‘super-volcano’: volcanology of the proximal rhyolitic volcanic succession in the HOTSPOT deep drill hole, Idaho, Yellowstone hot-spot track. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. V13D-2649. Read the article.
  • Knott, T., Branney, M. J., Reichow, M. K., McCurry, M., and the HOTSPOT team. (2013a). Drilling into a super-eruption caldera? Initial report of the proximal rhyolites revealed by the Snake River deep drill hole, Idaho. VMSG January Meeting, Bristol. P102
  • Le Friant, A., Ishizuka, O., Stroncik, N.A., and the Expedition 340 Scientists, 2013. Proc. IODP, 340: Lesser Antilles Volcanism and Landslides: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.340.2013
  • Leat, P.T., Day, S.J., Tate, A.J., Martin, T.J., Owen, M.J. and Tappin, D.R. 2013. Volcanic evolution of the South Sandwich volcanic arc, South Atlantic, from multibeam bathymetry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 265, 60-77. Read the article.
  • Marschall, H.R., Hawkesworth, C.J. and Leat, P.T. 2013. Mesoproterozoic subduction under the eastern edge of the Kaapvaal-Grunehogna Craton preceding Rodinia assembly: the Ritscherflya detrital zircon record, Ahlmannryggen (Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica). Precambrian Research, 236, 31-45. Read the article.
  • Mollo S., Heap M. J., Dingwell D. B., Hess K.-U., Iezzi G., Masotta M., Scarlato P., Vinciguerra S., Decarbonation and thermal microcracking under magmatic P-T-fCO2 conditions: the role of skarn substrata in promoting volcanic instability, Geophysical Journal International, 195, 369–380, 2013
  • Mollo S., Heap M. J., Dingwell D. B., Hess K.-U., Iezzi G., Masotta M., Scarlato P., Vinciguerra S., Decarbonation and thermal microcracking under magmatic P-T-fCO2 conditions: the role of skarn substrata in promoting volcanic instability, Geophysical Journal International, 195, 369–380. Read the article.
  • Patrick, M.R. and Smellie, J.L. 2013. A spaceborne inventory of volcanic activity in Antarctica and southern oceans, 2000-2010. Antarctic Science, 25, 475-500. Read the article.
  • Smellie, J.L. 2013 Quaternary vulcanism: subglacial landforms. In: Elias S.A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Second Edition), Vol. 1, pp. 780-802. Amsterdam: Elsevier
  • Smellie, J.L., Wilch, T. and Rocchi, A. 2013. Aa lava-fed deltas: a new reference tool in paleoenvironmental research. Geology, 41, 403-406. Read the article.
  • Vinciguerra S. and Day S., Clustering properties of seismicity following the 9 May 1989 earthquake swarms at the Canarian Islands. Evidences of magma intrusions? Acta Geophysica, 61, 6, 2013, 1626-1641, 2013.
  • Vye-Brown, C., Self, S. & Barry, T.L., 2013, Architecture and emplacement of flood basalt flow fields: case studies from the Columbia River Basalt Group, NW USA. Bulletin of Volcanology, 75, 697. Read the article.
  • Wilson, L., Smellie, J.L. and Head, J.W. 2013. Volcano-ice interaction. In: Fagents, S.A., Gregg, T.K.P. and Lopes, R.M.C. (eds) Modeling of volcanic processes: the physics and mathematics of volcanism. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 275-299


  • Barry, T.L., Self, S., Kelley, S.P., Reidel, S., Widdowson, M., & Hooper, P., 2012, Response to Baksi, A., 2012, ‘New 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Grande Ronde lavas, Columbia River Basalts, USA: implications for duration of flood basalt eruption episodes’ by Barry et al., 2010-Discussion, Lithos, 146-147, 300-303. Read the article.
  • Carrasco-Núñez, G., Davlia-Harris P., Riggs, N.R., Ort, M.H., Zimmer, B.W., Willcox, C., Branney, M.J. 2012. Recent explosive volcanism in the Eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. In: Aranda-Gó]ómez, J.J., Tolson, G. (eds) Geological Society of America Field Guide 15, 83-113. doi: 10.1130/2012.0025(05). Read the article.
  • Carrasco-Núñez, G.,McCurry, M., Branney, M.J., Norry, M, and Willcox, C. 2012. Complex magma mixing, mingling, and withdrawal associated with an intraplinian ignimbrite eruption at a large silicic caldera volcano: Los Humeros of central Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin 124:1789-1809 doi: 10.1130/B30501.1. Read the article.
  • Ellis, B.S, Branney, M.J., Barry, T.L., Barford, D., Binderman,I., Wolff, J.A., and Bonnichsen, B. 2012. Geochemical correlation of three large ignimbrites from the Yellowstone hotspot-track, Idaho, U.S.A. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74:261-77 doi: 10.1007/s00445-011-0510-z. Read the article.
  • Haase, K.M., Beier, C., Fretzdorff, S., Smellie, J.L. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. 2012. Magmatic evolution of the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, and implications for continental crust formation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, DOI: 10.1007/s00410-012-0719-7. Read the article.
  • Holwell, D.A., Abraham-James, T.H., Keays, R.R. and Boyce, A.J. 2012. The nature and genesis of marginal Cu- PGE-Au sulphide mineralisation in Palaeogene Macrodykes of the Kangerlussuaq region, east Greenland. Mineralium Deposita. 47, 3-21. Read the article.
  • Holwell, D.A., Selby, D., Boyce, A.J., Gilbertson, J.A., Abraham-James, T.A. 2012. An Re-Os date for molybdenite-bearing quartz vein mineralization within the Kangerlussuaq Alkaline Complex, East Greenland: Implications for the timing of regional metallogenesis. Economic Geology, 107 (4) , pp. 713-722
  • Knott, T., Branney, M. J., Reichow, M. K., Cunningham, W. D., Coe, R., Finn, D., McCurry, M., Bonnichsen, B. (2012). How frequent were rhyolitic super-eruptions from the Yellowstone hot-spot track? VMSG January Meeting, Durham. P08
  • Vaughan, A.P.M., Leat, P.T., Dean, A.A. and Millar, I.L. 2012. Crustal thickening along the West Antarctic Gondwana margin during mid-Cretaceous deformation of the Triassic intra-oceanic Dyer Arc. Lithos, 142-143, 130-147.


  • M.K. Reichow and A.D. Saunders, 2011. Cyanobacterial blooms tied to volcanism during the 5 m.y. Permo–Triassic biotic crisis: Comment. Geology, doi:10.1130/G31898C.1. Read the article.
  • Andrews, G.D. M., Branney, M.J. 2011. Emplacement and rheomorphic deformation of a large rhyolitic ignimbrite: Grey’s Landing, southern Idaho. Geological Society of America, Bulletin 123: 725-743. doi: 10.1130/B30167.1. Read the article.
  • Branney, M.J., Brown, R.J. 2011. Impactoclastic density current emplacement of terrestrial meteorite-impact ejecta and the formation of dust pellets and accretionary lapilli: evidence from Stac Fada, Scotland. Journal of Geology 119: 275-292. Read the article.
  • Clay, P.L., S.P. Kelley, S.C. Sherlock, & T.L. Barry, 2011, Partitioning of excess argon between alkali feldspars and glass in a volcanic system, Chemical Geology, 289, 12-30. Read the article. Read the article.
  • Davila-Harris P., Branney M.J., Storey M., 2011. Large, eruption-triggered ocean-island landslide at Tenerife: onshore record and long-term affect on hazardous pyroclastic dispersal. Geology 39: 951-954 doi 10.1130/G31994.1. Read the article.
  • Haase, K.M., Beier, C., Fretzdorff, S., Leat, P.T., Livermore, R.A., Barry, T.L., Pearce, J.A. and Hauff, F. 2011. Magmatic evolution of a dying spreading axis: evidence for the interaction of tectonics and mantle heterogeneity from the fossil Phoenix Ridge, Drake Passage. Chemical Geology, 280, 115-125. Read the article.
  • Macdonald, R., BagiÅ„ski, B., Leat, P.T., White, J.C. and Dzierżanowski, P. 2011. Mineral stability in peralkaline silicic rocks; information from trachytes of the Menengai volcano, Kenya. Lithos, 125, 553-568. Read the article.
  • Mollo S., Tuccimei P., Heap M. J., Vinciguerra S., Soligo M., Castelluccio M., Scarlato P., and Dingwell D. B., Increase in radon emission due to rock failure: An experimental study, Geophys. Res. Lett.,38,L14304,doi:10.1029/2011GL047962,2011. Read the article.
  • Mollo S., Vinciguerra S., Iezzi G., Iarocci A., Scarlato P., Heap M.J., Dingwell D.B., Volcanic edifice weakening via devolatilization reactions, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05097.x, 2011. Read the article.
  • Pannell, C.L. Gray, A., Zalasiewicz, J.A., Branney, M.J., Curry, G.B. 2011. Pleistocene forest on Tenerife's southern coast: a case study of Montaña Negra. Journal of Quaternary Science 26: 485-490 doi: (published online) 10.1002/jqs.1472. Read the article.
  • Petterson, M.G., Haldane, M.I., Smith, D.J., Billy, D. and Jordan, N.J., 2011. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Gallego Volcanic Field, Solomon Islands, SW Pacific and geotectonic implications. Lithos, 125(3-4): 915-927
  • Smellie, J.L., Rocchi, S. and Armienti, P. 2011. Late Miocene volcanic sequences in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: products of glaciovolcanic eruptions under different thermal regimes. Bulletin of Volcanology, 73, 1-25. Read the article.
  • Smellie, J.L., Rocchi, S., Gemelli, M., Di Vincenzo, G. and Armienti, P. 2011. Late Miocene East Antarctic ice sheet characteristics deduced from terrestrial glaciovolcanic sequences in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 307, 129-149. Read the article.
  • T. Hou, Z. Zhang, Z., X. Ye, J. Encarnacion, M.K. Reichow, 2011. Noble gas isotopic systematics of Fe-Ti-V oxide ore-related mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions in the Panxi area, China: The role of recycled oceanic crust in their petrogenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 6727–6741. Read the article.
  • Tonarini, S., Leeman, W.P. and Leat, P.T. 2011. Subduction erosion of forearc mantle wedge implicated in the genesis of the South Sandwich Islands (SSI) arc: evidence from boron isotope systematics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 301, 275-284. Read the article.
  • Zhu W., Baud P., Vinciguerra S., Wong T-f., Micromechanics of brittle faulting and cataclastic flow in Alban Hills tuff, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B06209, doi:10.1029/2010JB008046, 2011. Read the article.


  • A.A., Tsygankov, B.A., Litvinovsky, B.M., Jahn, M.K. Reichow, D.Y., Liu, A.N., Larionov, S.L., Presnyakov, Ye., Lepekhina, S.A., Sergeev, 2010. Sequence of magmatic events in the Late Paleozoic of Transbaikalia, Russia (U-Pb isotope data). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 51(9), 972–994. Read the article.
  • Alt, J, Laverne, C, Coggon, R, Teagle, D, Banerjee, N, Morgan, S, Smith-Duque, C, Harris, M and Galli, L, The subsurface structure of a submarine hydrothermal system in ocean crust formed at the East Pacific Rise, ODP/IODP Site 1256, G-Cubed, 2010
  • Barry, T.L., Self, S., Kelley, S.P., Reidel, S., Widdowson, M., & Hooper, P., 2010, New 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Grande Ronde lavas, Columbia River Basalts, USA: implications for duration of flood basalt eruption episodes, Lithos, 118, 213-222. Read the article.
  • Benson P.M., Vinciguerra S., Meredith P. Young P., Spatio-temporal evolution of volcano seismicity: A laboratory study, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 297, 315-323, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.06.033, 2010. Read the article.
  • Brown, R.J., Branney, M.J., Davila-Harris P., Maher, C. 2010. Origin of accretionary lapilli within ground-hugging density currents: evidence from pyroclastic couplets on Tenerife. Geological Society of America, Bulletin 122: 305-320 doi: 1130/B2449.1
  • Ellis, B., Branney, M.J. 2010. Silicic explosive phreatomagmatism in the Snake River Plain: the Deadeye Member. Bulletin of Volcanology. 72: 1241-1257. DOI 10.1007/s00445-010-0400-9. Read the article.
  • Ellis, B.S, Barry, T.L., Branney, M.J., Wolff, J.A., Binderman, I., Wilson, R., Bonnichsen, B. 2010. Petrologic constraints on the development of a large-volume, high temperature, silicic magma system: the Twin Falls eruptive centre, central Snake River Plain. Lithos 120: 475-489. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.09.008. Read the article.
  • Ellis, B.S., Barry, T.L., Branney, M.J., Wolff, J.A., Bindeman, I., Wilson, R., & Bonnichsen, W., 2010, Petrologic constraints on the development of a large-volume, high temperature, silicic magma system: the Twin Falls eruptive centre, central Snake River Plain, Lithos, 475-489
  • Gertisser, R., Self, S., Gaspar, J.L., Kelley, S.P., Pimentel, A., Eikenberg, J., Barry,, T.L., Pacheco, J.M., Queiroz, G., & Vespa, M., 2010, Ignimbrite Stratigraphy and Chronology on Terceira Island, Azores, in Groppelli, G., and Viereck-Goette, L., eds., Stratigraphy and Geology of Volcanic Areas, Geological Society of America Special Paper 464, 133-154. Read the article.
  • Leat, P.T., Tate, A.J., Tappin, D.R., Day, S.J. and Owen M.J. 2010. Growth and mass wasting of volcanic centers in the northern South Sandwich arc, revealed by new multibeam mapping. Marine Geology, 275, 110-126. Read the article.
  • M.K. Reichow, B.A. Litvinovsky, R.R. Parrish, A.D. Saunders, 2010. Multi-stage emplacement of alkaline and peralkaline syenite-granite suites in the Mongolian-Transbaikalian Belt, Russia: Evidence from U-Pb geochronology and whole rock geochemistry. Chemical Geology, 273: 120–135
  • M.M. Buslov, I.Yu. Safonova, G.S. Fedoseev, M.K. Reichow, Davies, K., G.A. Babin, 2010. Permo-Triassic plume magmatism of the Kuznetsk Basin, Central Asia: geology, geochronology, and geochemistry. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 51(9), 1021–1036. Read the article.
  • Smith, D.J., Jenkin, G.R.T., Naden, J., Boyce, A.J., Petterson, M.G., Toba, T., Darling, W.G., Taylor, H. and Millar, I.L., 2010. Anomalous alkaline sulphate fluids produced in a magmatic hydrothermal system - Savo, Solomon Islands. Chemical Geology, 275(1-2): 35-49. Read the article.


  • B.M. Jahn, B. A. Litvinovsky, A. N. Zanvilevich, M.K. Reichow, 2009. Peralkaline granitoid magmatism in the Mongolian-Transbaikalian Belt: Evolution, petrogenesis and tectonic significance. Lithos, 113(3-4): 521–539. Read the article.
  • Heap M. J., Vinciguerra S., Meredith P. G., The evolution of elastic moduli with increasing crack damage during cyclic stressing of a basalt from Mt. Etna volcano, Tectonophysics, 471, 153–160, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.10.004, 2009. Read the article.
  • N.T.T. Binh, T. Tokunaga, T. Nakamura, K. Kozumi, M. Nakazima, M. Kobota, H. Kameya, M. Taniue, and IODP Expedition 308 Scientific Party (M.K. Reichow), 2009. Physical properties of the shallow sediments in the late pleistocene formations, the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico and their implications for generation and preservation of shallow overpressures, Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (4): 474–486. Read the article.
  • Reichow, M.K., Pringle, M.S., Al'Mukhamedov, A.I., Allen, M.B., Andreichev, V.L., Buslov, M.M., Davies, C.E., Fedoseev, G.S., Fitton, J.G., Inger, S., Medvedev, A.Y., Mitchell, C., Puchkov, V.N., Safonova, I.Y., Scott, R.A., Saunders, A.D., 2009. The timing and extent of the eruption of the Siberian Traps large igneous province: Implications for the end-Permian environmental crisis, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 277, 9-20. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.09.030
  • Saunders, A.D. and Reichow, M.K. 2009. The Siberian Traps and the End-Permian mass extinction: A critical review. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54, 20-37. doi:10.1007/s11434-008-0543-7
  • Smith, D.J., Petterson, M.G., Saunders, A.D., Millar, I.L., Jenkin, G.R.T., Toba, T., Naden, J. and Cook, J.M., 2009. The petrogenesis of sodic island arc magmas at Savo volcano, Solomon Islands. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 158(6): 785-801. Read the article.
  • Vinciguerra S., Del Gaudio P., Mariucci M. T., Marra F., Meredith P. G., Montone P., Pierdominici S., Scarlato P., Physical properties of tuffs from a scientific borehole at Alban hills volcanic district (central Italy), Tectonophysics, 471, 161–169, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.08.010, 2009. Read the article.


  • Z. Zhang, X. Zhi, L. Chen, A.D. Saunders, M.K. Reichow, 2008. Re-Os isotopic compositions of picrites from the Emeishan flood basalt province, China: implications for the origin of the mantle plume. Earth Planetary Sciences Letters, 276: 30–39. Read the article.
  • Andrews, G.D.M., Branney, M.J., Bonnichsen, B., McCurry M. 2008. Rhyolitic ignimbrites in the Rogerson Graben, southern Snake River Plain volcanic province: volcanic stratigraphy, eruption history, and basin evolution. In: Leeman, B., and McCurry (eds). 2008. Volcanism and petrogenesis of anorogenic rhyolites, Bulletin of Volcanology 70: 269-291. DOI 10.1007//s00445-007-0139-0. Read the article.
  • Benson P.M., Vinciguerra S., Meredith P. Young P., Laboratory Simulation of Volcano Seismicity, Science, 322, 249-252, doi: 10.1126/science. 1161927, 2008. Read the article.
  • Branney, M.J., Bonnichsen, B., Andrews, G.D.M., Ellis, B., Barry, T.L., McCurry, M. 2008. ‘Snake River (SR)–type’ volcanism at the Yellowstone hotspot track: distinctive products from unusual high-temperature silicic super-eruptions. In: Leeman, B., and McCurry (eds). 2008. Volcanism and petrogenesis of the anorogenic rhyolites, Bulletin of Volcanology 70: 293-314. DOI 10.1007/s00445-007-0139-0. Read the article.
  • Branney, M.J., Bonnichsen, W., Andrews, G.D.M., Ellis, B., Barry, T.L., McCurry, M., 2008, Snake River (SR)–type volcanism on the Yellowstone hotspot track: distinctive products from unusual high-temperature silicic super-eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology, DOI10.1007/s00445-007-0140-7
  • Mahoney, J.J., Saunders, A.D., Storey, M. and Randriamanantenasoa, A. 2008. Geochemistry of the Volcan de l’Androy basalt-rhyolite complex, Madagascar Cretaceous igneous province. Journal of Petrology, 49, 1069-1096. Read the article.
  • P.B. Flemings, H. Long, B. Dugan, J. Germaine, C.M. John, J.H. Behrmann, D. Sawyer, and IODP Expedition 308 Scientists (M.K. Reichow), 2008. Pore pressure penetrometers document high overpressure near the seafloor where multiple submarine landslides have occurred on the continental slope, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico. Earth Planetary Sciences Letters, 269(3–4): 309–325. Read the article.
  • S.S. Swift, M.K. Reichow, A. Tikku, M. Tominaga, Lisa Gilbert, 2008. Vertical velocity structure of Upper Ocean crust at ODP Hole 1256D, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9(10): Q10O13, doi:10.1029/2008GC002188. Read the article.
  • T.V. Donskaya, B.F. Windley, A.M. Mazukabov, A. Kröner, E.V. Sklyarov, D.P. Gladkochub, V.A. Ponomarchuk, G. Badarch, M.K. Reichow and E. Hegner, 2008. Age and evolution of late Mesozoic metamorphic core complexes in southern Siberia and northern Mongolia. Journal of the Geological Society London, 165: 405–421
  • Vinciguerra S., Xiao X., Evans B., Constraining melt concentration and strain distribution around b2salt dykes in partially molten olivines, in “Physical Geology of Sub-volcanic Systems: Laccoliths, Sills and Dykes”, Thomson K.&Petford;, N. Editors, Geological Society Special Publication,Geological Society Special Publication , 302, 103-108, doi: 10.1144/SP302.7, 2008


  • Brown, R.J., Kokelaar B.P., Branney, M.J. 2007. Widespread transport of pyroclastic density currents from a large silicic tuff-ring: the Glaramara tuff, Scafell caldera, English Lake District, UK. Sedimentology DOI 10.111/j.1365-3091.2007.00877.x
  • Kokelaar, P, Raine, P., Branney, M.J. 2007. Incursion of a large-volume, spatter-bearing pyroclastic density current into a caldera lake: Pavey Ark ignimbrite, Scafell caldera, England. Bulletin of Volcanology 70: 23-54. DOI: 10.1007/s00445-007-0118-5. Read the article.


  • P. Tartarotti, L. Crispini, and the IODP Expeditions 309 and 312 Shipboard Scientific Parties (M.K. Reichow), 2006. ODP-IODP Site 1256 (East Pacific Rise): an in-situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate. Ofioliti, 31(2):107–116
  • Branney, M.J. 2006. The Borrowdale Volcanic Group and Ordovician continental arc volcanism in northern England In: Brenchley, P.J., Rawson, P.F. (eds) The Geology of England and Wales. 2nd Edition The Geological Society, London: 113-122
  • D.S. Wilson, D.A.H. Teagle, J.C. Alt, N.R. Banerjee, S. Umino, S. Miyashita, G.D. Acton, R. Anma, S.R. Barr, A. Belghoul, J. Carlut, D.M. Christie, R.M. Coggon, K.M. Cooper, C. Cordier, L. Crispini, S.R. Durand, F. Einaudi, L. Galli, Y. Gao, J. Geldmacher, L.A. Gilbert, N.W. Hayman, E. Herrero-Bervera, N. Hirano, S. Holter, S. Ingle, S. Jiang, U. Kalberkamp, M. Kerneklian, J. Koepke, C. Laverne, H.L.L. Vasquez, J. Maclennan, S. Morgan, N. Neo, H.J. Nichols, S.-H. Park, M.K. Reichow, T. Sakuyama, T. Sano, R. Sandwell, B. Scheibner, C.E. Smith-Duque, S.A. Swift, P. Tartarotti, A.A. Tikku, M. Tominaga, E.A. Veloso, T. Yamasaki, S. Yamazaki, C. and Ziegler, 2006. Drilling to gabbro in intact ocean crust. Science, 312: 1016–1020. Read the article.
  • Teagle, D.A.H., Alt, J.C., Umino, S., Miyashita, S., Banerjee, N.R., Wilson, D.S., and the Expedition 309/312 Scientists, 2006. Proc. IODP, 309/312: Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 2 and 3: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.309312.2006.


  • A.D. Saunders, R.W. England, M. K. Reichow, R.V. White, 2005. A mantle plume origin for the Siberian Traps. Uplift and extension in the West Siberian Basin, Lithos, 79: 407–424
  • Andrews GDM, Branney MJ. 2005. Folds, fabrics, and kinematic criteria in rheomorphic ignimbrites of the Snake River Plain, Idaho: insights into emplacement and flow. In: Peterson JL, Dehler CM (eds) Interior Western United States. Geological Society of America Field Guide 6, 311-328. Read the article.
  • Carrasco-Núñez, G., Branney, M.J. 2005. Progressive assembly of a massive layer of ignimbrite with normal-to-reverse compositional zoning: the Zaragoza ignimbrite of central Mexico. Bulletin of Volcanology 68: 3-20. Read the article.
  • M.K. Reichow, A.D. Saunders, R.V. White, A.I. Al’Mukhamedov, A.I. Medvedev, 2005. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of basalts from the West Siberian Basin: An extension of the Permo–Triassic Siberian Traps, Russia, Lithos, 79: 425–452. (52 citations). Read the article.
  • Shervais J.W., Branney M.J., Geist D.J., Hanan B.B., Hughes, S., Prokopenko A.A., Williams DF 2006. HOTSPOT: Scientific drilling project – tracking the Yellowstone Hotspot thought time and space. Scientific Drilling 3, p 56-57. DOI: 10.2204/
  • White, R.V. and Saunders, A.D. 2005. Volcanism, impact and mass extinctions: incredible or credible coincidences? Lithos, 79, 299-316.


  • Branney, M.J., Barry T.L., Godcheaux, M. 2004. Sheathfolds in rheomorphic ignimbrites. Bulletin of Volcanology, 66: 485-491. Read the article.
  • Branney, M.J., Barry, T.L., & Godchaux, M., 2004. Sheathfolds in rheomorphic ignimbrites. Bulletin of Volcanology, 66, 485-491
  • Brown R.J., Branney M.J. 2004. Bypassing and diachronous deposition from density currents: evidence from a giant regressive bedform in the Poris ignimbrite, Tenerife. Geology 32, 445-448. Read the article.
  • Brown, R.J., Branney, M.J., 2004. Event-stratigraphy of a caldera-forming ignimbrite eruption on Tenerife: the 273 ka Poris Formation. Bulletin of Volcanology 66, p. 392-416. Read the article.
  • Wilding, M C, Smellie, J L, Morgan, S, Lesher, C E & Wilson, L, Cooling process recorded in subglacially erupted rhyolite glasses: Rapid quenching, thermal buffering, and the formation of meltwater, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 109, 2004.


  • H. Downes, M.K. Reichow, P.R.D. Mason, A.D. Beard, M.F. Thirlwall, 2003. Mantle domains in the lithosphere beneath the French Massif Central: trace element and isotopic evidence from mantle clinopyroxenes, Chemical Geology, 200: 71–87. Read the article.
  • Brown R.J., Barry T.L., Branney M.J., Pringle M.S., Bryan S.E. 2003. The Quaternary pyroclastic succession of southern Tenerife, Canary Islands: explosive eruptions, related caldera subsidence and sector collapse. Geological Magazine 140, p. 265-288. Read the article.
  • Brown, R., Barry, T.L., Branney, M.J., Pringle, M.S. & Bryan, S.E., 2003. The Quaternary pyroclastic succession of southeast Tenerife, Canary Islands: explosive eruptions, related caldera subsidence, and sector collapse. Geological Magazine, 140, 265-288.


  • *Branney, M.J. and Kokelaar, B.P., 2002. Pyroclastic density currents and the sedimentation of ignimbrites. Geological Society of London, Memoirs 27. pp 152. (refereed research monograph of 7 Chapters; 87,000 words, 145 Figs, 5 tables, appendix; best-selling GSL memoir of the year, in third printing; >200 ISI citations, see
  • A.Ya. Medvedev, A.I. Al’Mukhamedov, M.K. Reichow, A.D. Saunders, R.V. White, N.P. Kirda, 2002. The absolute age of basalts from the pre-Jurassic basement of the West Siberian Plate (from 40Ar/39Ar data). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 43(12): 588–599
  • B.A. Litvinovsky, Bor-ming Jahn, A.N. Zanvilevich, A.D. Saunders, S. Poulain, D.V. Kuzmin, M.K. Reichow, A.V. Titov, 2002. Petrogenesis of syenite-granite suites from the Bryansky Complex (Transbaikalia, Russia): implications for the origin of A-type granted magmas, Chemical Geology, 189: 105–133. Read the article.
  • M. K. Reichow, A.D. Saunders, R.V. White, M.S. Pringle, A.I. Al’Mukhamedov, A.I. Medvedev, N.P. Kirda, 2002. 40Ar/39Ar dates from the West Siberian Basin: Siberian Flood Basalt Province doubled, Science 296: 1846–1849. Read the article.
  • Sumner J.S., Branney, M.J., 2002. Emplacement and deformation of a heterogeneous, chemically zoned, rheomorphic and locally lava-like, peralkaline ignimbrite sheet: TL on Gran Canaria. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 115, p. 109-138. Read the article.

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