School of Geography, Geology and the Environment


Name  Research Interests
Dr Katy Bennett Multiculture, conviviality, community, belonging, ethnicity, gender
Dr Margaret Byron 
Dr Ben Coles Place/Place-making/Topography, Creativity as radical space, ‘Alternative’ economies, Photography and visual material culture, Multi-sensory methods and embodied methodologies, Cosmopolitanism (and challenges)
Dr Stef De Sabbata Information Geographies, Internet Geographies, Critical GIS, Public Participation GIS, Volunteer Geographic Information, Geocomputation, Visual analytics
Dr Claire Jarvis GPS tracking, Spatial literacy, Sensory GIS, Visualisation of networks 
Professor Martin Phillips Community, Emotional and affective geographies, Heritage, Spatialised identities, Museum Geographies, Mobilities
Professor Caroline Upton Everyday environmentalisms, Environmental citizenship, Ethnography

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