School of Engineering
Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology
This is a Collaborative Education Institute with Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China, approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is located at the Panjin Campus of DUT. The Department of Engineering is proud to be one of the first departments at Leicester to participate in this exciting new venture between the University of Leicester and Dalian University of Technology.
Dalian University of Technology is classified as a dual first-rate university: world class university and first-class discipline. The Engineering Department at Leicester has a high international standing in our research and education. Every 5 years or so the UK government conducts a national assessment of research excellence. In REF 2014, 90% of our research was judged to be world leading or internationally excellent.
大连理工大学被列为”双一流”大学:世界一流大学和一流学科。 莱斯特大学工程系在科研和教学上都具有高端的国际水准。英国政府每5年左右对大学各个系的科研水平进行一次评估。在2014年的评估中,莱大工程系90%的科研成果被评定为世界领先或者国际一流水平。
BEng Programme in Mechanical Engineering

The BEng programme aims to:
- provide students with a direct experience of a Leicester-style degree programme in China
- enhance and develop the students’ English language skills
- provide a curriculum that is enjoyable and motivating
- foster students’ independent learning and problem solving skills. The programme prepares students for a successful career as either an engineer or engineering researcher.
这门工学学士课程的目的包括(a) 在中国为学生提供一个采用莱大教学方式的学位课程,(b) 增强和提高学生的英语技能,(c) 实施一个愉快和激励人心的教学大纲,(d) 培养学生独立自学和解决问题的能力。课程培养学生将来成为一个成功的工程师或科研工作者。