East Midlands Oral History Archive

Oral history projects in Lincolnshire

If you would like to add details of your project to this page, email us at emoha@le.ac.uk.

As well as the projects listed below, there are a number of libraries, museums and archives in Lincolnshire that hold oral history recordings. The Libraries at Boston, Grimsby, Lincoln and Louth all have collections, as do North Lincolnshire Museum, the Museum of Lincolnshire Life (whose recordings are now deposited with Lincolnshire Archives)., and North East Lincolnshire Archives.


Ridges and Furrows created an arts and heritage trail for Lincolnshire linking The National Centre for Craft and Design in Sleaford with Whisby Nature Park via the Lincoln Edge. The trail developed alongside a programme of cultural events and arts experiences exploring and celebrating communities, local heritage and the landscapes of locations along the trail in North Kesteven. The project brought together artists, historians and local people to delve into the heritage of these locations, revealing hidden traditions as well as exploring their present day identities. Heritage trail guides for Waddington and Welbourn and a Heritage Trail for North Hykeham were published . Permanent artworks celebrating and revealing hidden histories were commissioned in a number of locations along the route. See the project website.


Shouting the Odds, led by Aviation Heritage Lincolnshirerecorded memories of people associated with RAF bases in the area, with a focus on stories from World War Two and the Cold War era. The project also purchased listening equipment to enable visitors to the Lincolnshire Archives to hear these stories about the county’s diverse aviation heritage. A grant of £436,000 was awarded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. 


Red Herrings & Chinese Whispers, led by Lincoln Art Programme, The Brayford Trust and The Canal and River Trust, explored the local folklore and heritage of Brayford and the surrounding area, combining creative activities with historical research. It culminated in a weekend of free events, tours and films. Find out more on the project website. Funding was awarded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. 


The Last Pirate, led by Grimsby Library, North East Lincolnshire Council, is a recording with a man who was tried for piracy in 1966 and was the last person to have been tried in Britain for piracy in over 200 years. His story has now been recorded for posterity along with a shorter interview with a barrister to give a legal perspective on the case. The project was sponsored by the Fish Merchants Association in Grimsby, Youngs Seafood Ltd and the Grimsby Fishing Vessel Owners Association.

Sporting Voices, led by Grimsby Library, North East Lincolnshire Council as part of The People’s Record initiative, developed an oral history archive for the People’s Record website, a collective record of the public’s response to hosting the 2012 Olympic Games. The project recorded oral histories of the thoughts and hopes of a group of students with learning difficulties from the William Molson Centre in Grimsby in relation to the 2012 Olympics and their own experiences of sport and sporting life in North East Lincolnshire. With the help of a freelance recording professional, students produced an audio-documentary for the project. Funded by Arts Council England.


Making History was a film project run with schools in both Lincoln and London. Young people investigated their family histories and presented the results using video.


Ewerby is a former estate village, with the majority of residents working on the estate and a few families remain who remember relatives working for the Earls of Winchilsea and Nottingham. Ewerby Book: A History and Village Life Today aimed to collect oral histories, together with old photographs of the village and events. They also captured life in the village today with photographs and notations from inhabitants. The project was awarded a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £12,760.

The Leasingham Village History Project aimed to produce an updated Village History Book and recordings of those with memories of the changes. An exhibition, series of oral history, conservation and archiving, photography and IT workshops was held. A DVD of some of the archives was produced together with an archive of oral histories. The project was funded by a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £14,668.

Pickworth: Change and Continuity in the Rural Community, led by Pickworth Local History Group, aimed to explore the heritage of Pickworth village and the surrounding area, its landscape, people and built environment as they have evolved over the centuries to the present day. Local people were involved in events designed to encourage interest in the past and concern for the future of the village. The project carried out studies of village life at various times, through oral history, documentary records, farming, landscape and wildlife. Events and activities such as field walking, workshops and a village walk encouraged local residents to contribute to aspects that particularly interest them. A Book of Pickworth and an accompanying DVD were produced; a plan of the graves in the churchyard will be made available to the church.

The Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology published Ration Books and Rabbit Pie based on reminiscences of World War Two by Lincolnshire folk. The book drew on over 20 oral history interviews, photos, recipes and documents. Original interviews and transcripts are deposited in the Library for the Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology at Jews Court, Lincoln, where they can be consulted by prior arrangement.


Kirton in Lindsey Society celebrated its 20th birthday in 2007 with an oral history project which culminated in the publication of the book 'Sticking the Pig'. The book includes a CD containing extracts from the recordings. Find out more on the Kirton in Lindsey Society website.

Leverton Village History Project (Phase 2). The Leverton History Group investigated changes in the fortunes of farming in their village over previous decades. This second phase of the project received a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £8,941.


A Century of Village Life in Hackthorn and Cold Hanworth, led by Hackthorn Local History Group, recorded village life during the 20th century, informing the younger generation of the enormous changes and diversification that have occurred in this once self-contained and self-sufficient community. A grant of £18,920 was awarded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. 


Grandma's War, led by The Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology was an oral history project about the impact of World War Two on civilians in Lincolnshire. Following training from the East Midlands Oral History Archive, 15 local societies and groups recorded local memories. Lincolnshire County Council provided a grant for audio recording equipment.

Leverton Village History Project (Phase 1). The Leverton History Group researched their village with a particular emphasis on the previous 100 years. Findings were presented in the form of a book and a DVD. The project received a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £16,885.

North Lincolnshire Museum set up a new computer-based Sound Archive at the Museum; all the Museum’s existing audio tapes were digitised, making them fully accessible to the public. The Archive contains over 200 indexed recordings from the North Lincolnshire area, about half of which have written transcripts. It also raised the profile of oral history work at the Museum, which is frequently used in permanent and temporary exhibitions. This work was carried out with a grant from the Yorkshire Museums Libraries and Archives Council. 

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