Crime and its Representation in the Anglophone Caribbean, 1834-2018

Photographs of 20-21 April 2018 event

The UWI St Augustine campus
The UWI St Augustine campus
Veeraj Sonnyram (UWI St Augustine) presenting a paper on gender-based violence
Mtima Solwazi and Kevon Frederick (Roots Foundation) speaking at a roundtable discussion on 'Youth, Violence and Masculinities'
Janeille Matthews (UWI Cave Hill) presenting her paper: 'The Masked Serial Rapist: Examining Rape in Antigua 2007-2009'
Diana Paton (University of Edinburgh) presenting a paper on 'Rape and its Prosecution in Jamaica in the Late Slavery and Early Emancipation Periods'
Paula Morgan (UWI, St Augustine) presenting a paper entitled ‘“Killing don’t need no reason”: Trauma and Criminality in A Brief History of Seven Killings’
Florence Seemungal (UWI St Augustine), presenting her paper: 'Framing the Abolition Debate in Trinidad and Tobago with Empirical Evidence: Would Caribbean Citizens Impose the Death Penalty for a Murder Conviction?'
Dylan Kerrigan (UWI St Augustine) presenting his paper: ''Survival Helps Determine our Personal Values': Social Stigma, UN Values, and the State'
Sonjah Stanley Niaah (UWI Mona) presenting her paper: 'Of Memory, Prisons, Profit and Crimes of the Jamaican State'
Randy Seepersad (UWI St Augustine) chairing a roundtable discussion on 'Police Corruption, Implications and Solutions'
Renee Cozier (UWI St Augustine), Paula Morgan (UWI St Augustine) and Nirmala Sookoo (UWI St Augustine) responding to questions after a panel on 'Policing and Corruption'
Nirmala Sookoo (UWI St Augustine) presenting a paper on 'Quantative Analysis of Police Corruption in Trinidad and Tobago'
Renee Cozier (UWI St Augustine) presenting her paper: 'Whistleblowing in Trinidad and Tobago: A Case Study of Gene Miles'
Paula Morgan (UWI St Augustine) presenting a paper co-written with Daneille Watson, Nathan Pino, and Michael Johnson on 'Justifying Force: Police Perception, Community Framing and Crime War'
Renee Figuera (UWI St Augustine) presenting a paper co-written with Corleen Cox: ''Doh go dey': Discursive Agency and Crime in Conversations with Gang Members'
Mellissa Ifill (University of Guyana) presenting her paper: 'Tackling Youth Crime and Violence: An Assessment of the Adequacy of the Response of the Guyanese State'
Kate Quinn (University College London) presenting her paper: 'Political Activity and 'Public Order' in the Shadow of Trinidad'
Jamie Banks (University of Leicester) presenting his paper: ''The Dens of Infamy in the Charlestown District': Opium Dens and Colonial Anxieties in British Guiana and Trinidad, 1850-1900'
Randy Seepersad (UWI St Augustine) presenting the keynote paper: 'Ethnicity and Crime Victimization in Trinidad and Tobago'

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