College of Life Sciences

MedPRIDE Leicester

Logo for MedPRIDE Leicester incorporating LGBT+ flagMedPRIDE is a student staff group formed in December 2023. The aim of the group is to lead and progress the student/staff MedPRIDE activity at Leicester Medical School (LMS).

Our group has two staff co-chairs and two student co-chairs. Membership is made up of those with lived experience, and allies.

Our Objectives 

The objectives of the group are:

  • To support a coordinated approach to the implementation of the UK Medical Schools Charter on So-Called LGBTQ+ ‘Conversion Therapy’ 
  • To develop and implement strategies to address inequalities related to sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex traits through student/staff partnership
  • To work with other LMS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion groups to provide a forum for sharing challenges and best practice from within and outside LMS
  • To develop effective communication and engagement plans to embed MedPRIDE principles across the School (College and wider University). 

MedPRIDE Leicester works closely with MedRACE and MedDIaLect to progress equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of medical education, training and beyond. The three working groups feed into the LMS Inclusion Oversight Committee.


We meet online on the third Tuesday of the month via Teams. If you would like to join our next meeting please get in touch. All students and staff are welcome to join the group, regardless of identity. 

Our 'ground rules'

  • Diversity brings cohesion; we celebrate the diversity that individuals bring to the group
  • Safe space; whilst we are not a support group, our meetings are a safe space to be your authentic self
  • Citizens of change; we want to bring about change and improvement within the medical school community
  • Open to all; meetings are open to those within the LGBTQ+ community and allies
  • Confidentiality; attendance at meetings is kept between those present
  • Chatham House Rule; “When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.” We want open and honest discussions, but recognising our other ground rules, outside meetings, we only discuss matters in general terms, not the individual who raised it.

Read our full Terms of Reference (PDF, 200kb)


We welcome new student and staff members and we invite collaboration with other institutions. The MedPRIDE Leicester working group can be contacted at

For the latest updates, follow us on Instagram.

Looking for support?

All staff, students and visitors to the University can disclose experience of unacceptable behaviours, anonymously if preferred, and find out what support is available via the University's Report and Support website.

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