College of Life Sciences


Logo for Meddialect representing both visible and invisible disability, and long term conditionsMedDIaLeCt (Medicine: Disability Inclusion and Long-term Conditions) is a student and staff group at Leicester Medical School (LMS) formed in December 2023. We aim to work collectively to support the implementation of the principles outlined in the GMC welcomed and valued report to improve the experience of students with disabilities and long-term conditions.

This document sets out how medical schools are expected to comply with UK equality legislation, which means:

  • A student should not be treated worse than or disadvantaged compared to another learner because of their disability
  • Recognising that a disabled learner can be treated more favourably, and it is not discrimination against a non-disabled learner to do this
  • Avoiding victimisation and harassment
  • Making reasonable adjustments on a case-by-case basis.

What work does MedDIaLeCt do?

Our objectives are:

  • To support the implementation of the principles outlined in the GMC welcomed and valued report to improve the experience of medical students with disabilities and long-term conditions
  • To develop and implement strategies and projects to address inequalities related to disability through student/staff partnership
  • To work with other LMS EDI groups to provide a forum for sharing challenges and best practice from within and outside LMS
  • To develop effective communication and engagement plans to embed MedDIaLeCt principles across the School, College and wider University.

Our group

The group is led by our student and staff co-chairs and meets approximately every 6 weeks.


We welcome new student and staff members and we invite collaboration from other institutions. The MedDIaLeCt working group can be contacted at

For the latest news, follow us on Instagram or X (Twitter).

Looking for support?

All staff, students and visitors to the University can disclose experience of unacceptable behaviours, anonymously if preferred, and find out what support is available via the University's Report and Support website.

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