Core Biotechnology Services


Message from CBS manager Ila Patel

Welcome back to a new but different academic year. Several of our CBS facilities have been working throughout lockdown contributing to vital ongoing research, including SAR-Cov-2 projects, and supporting NHS services. All the facilities are now open and very much ready to support research and teaching. Please contact individual facility managers directly with enquires.

In August, we bid farewell to C3 manager Natalie Lazar Adler, who has taken up a new post in Cambridge. Marialuisa Crosatti has taken on the secondment role of C3 facility manager.  

FACS facility manager, Jenny Hincks left the University at the end of September to take up a post in Industry. Ania Straatman-Iwanowska will be overseeing the FACS facility in the interim period and Natalie Allcock has taken on the management of the X-ray Irradiator.

Find out how to get in touch with members of our team.

The CBS team would like to wish everyone a safe and productive return to work.

Working during Covid

All CBS facilities have carried out full risk assessments to ensure a safe working environment for their staff and users during the Covid pandemic. Procedures are available on facility webpages, or ask staff for details.

See how the Advanced Imaging Facility has dealt with the new rules surrounding Covid 19

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