Core Biotechnology Services
Dr Kees Straatman
Dr Ir Kornelis (Kees) R. Straatman - Senior Experimental Officer; Manager of the Advanced Imaging Facility
Contact details
Maurice Shock Building
Office 343
University of Leicester
University Road
+44 (0)116 229 7085
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-9812-492X
- From 2007: Senior Experimental Officer, Centre for Core Biotechnology Services, University of Leicester, UK.
- 2006-2007: Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University of Leicester, UK.
- 2005-2006: Visiting Fellow, Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, UK.
- 2005-2006: Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Genetics, University of Nottingham, UK.
- 2000-2005: Research Associate, Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, UK.
- 1999: PhD University of Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- 1998-2000: Research Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK.
- 1989-1992: Research assistent, Centre for AgroBiological Research (CABO), Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Masterclass 'Advanced Microscopy' BBSRC-sponsored MIBTP PhD students - since 2018 course convener
- MSc lecture 'Fluorescence microscopy'
- MSc Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology: microscope hands-on sessions
- PhD Session SS9, 'Advanced Microscopy and Bioimaging' module
- PhD Session; microscopy lectures for MRes Cardiovascular Sciences 'bench to bedside' module
- PhD session; microscopy and imageJ lectures for LISCB DTD 'Advanced optical microscopy' module
- ImageJ/Fiji workshops
- RMS MMC ImageJ/Fiji Pre-conference workshops
Previous lectures/courses
- MSc Toxicology: microscope hands-on sessions
- BS3070 Protein Complexes: from Cells to Molecules - 2 lectures
- From basic to advanced microscopy; microscopy and image analysis workshops.
- June 2023 BBSRC ALERT22; £ 938,380.30 Multispectral rapid 3D super-resolution imaging of nuclear biology (Co-applicant)
- November 2022 MRC mid range equipment call; £ 359,281.32 A combined ultrahigh plex whole slide staining and imaging system for a multiuser advanced imaging facility (Co-applicant)
- April 2019 University Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund; £ 207,405.00 for a label free imaging system.
- March 2019 BBSRC ALERT18; £ 283,823.96 for a Zeiss LSM Airyscan confocal laser scanning microscope with match funding from the University of Leicester. (Co-applicant)
- Jun 2018 University Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund; £ 237,185.20 for a spectral slide scanner with robotic loader and analysis software.
- Dec 2015 University Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund; £ 195,676.00 for high speed confocal microscope.
- Aug 2015 University Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund; £ 27,619.39 for PFS hardware auto-focus + software upgrades, objectives, sCMOS camera and new computer system for Nikon microscope 4.
- Sept 2013 University Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund; £ 45,218.00 Upgrade for the Olympus FV1000 CLSM with two Hight Sensitive Detectors and upgrade for Nikon TIRF/LED system with JOBS screening software and 20x objective.
- Sept 2012 University Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund; £36,622.00 Upgrade for a Leica SP5 CLSM with 2 Leica HyD detectors.
- CIF: Advance microscopy and quantitative imaging £ 980K (Straatman and Fry) (2009-2011).
- The Wolfson Foundation: Wolfson Foundation Micro-array and Microscopy Facilities, Key Components of a UK Centre for Pioneering Research In to Human Genetic Diversity, Dynamics and Disease £500K. (Co-applicant, £450K for microscopy; 2006-2007).
List of publications
Papageorgiou S, Pashley, SL O’Regan, L, Straatman, KR, Fry, AM (2024) Microtubule Association of EML4–ALK V3 Is Key for the Elongated Cell Morphology and Enhanced Migration Observed in V3 Cells. Cells 13: doi:10.3390/cells13231954.
Pashley SL, Papageorgiou S, O’Regan L, Barone G, Robinson SW, Lucken K, Straatman KR, Roig J, Fry AM (2024) The mesenchymal morphology of cells expressing the EML4-ALK V3 oncogene is dependent on phosphorylation of Eg5 by NEK7. J Biol Chem. 300: 107144.
Hindul NL, Abbott LR, Adan SMD, Straatman KR, Fry AM, Hirota K, Tanaka K (2024) Endogenous oncogenic KRAS expression increases cell proliferation and motility in near-diploid hTERT RPE-1 cells. J Biol Chem. : 300: 1074709.
Tax G, Guay KP, Pantalone L, Ceci M, Soldà T, Hitchman CJ, Hill JC, Vasiljević S, Lia A, Modenutti CP, Straatman KR, Santino A, Molinari M, Zitzmann N, Hebert DN, Roversi P, Trerotola M (2024) Rescue of secretion of rare-disease-associated misfolded mutant glycoproteins in UGGT1 knock-out mammalian cells. Traffic. 25:e12927.
Hames RG, Jasiunaite Z, Ercoli G, Wanford JJ, Carreno D, Straatman K, Martinez-Pomares L, Yesilkaya H, Glenn S, Moxon ER, Andrew PW, Kyriacou CP, Oggioni MR (2022) Diurnal differences in intracellular replication within splenic macrophages correlates with the outcome of pneumococcal infection. Front Immunol. 2022 13:907461. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2022.907461.Wanford JJ, Hames RG, Carreno D, Jasiunaite Z, Chung WY, Arena F, Di Pilato V, Straatman K, West K, Farzand R, Pizza M, Martinez-Pomares L, Andrew PW, Moxon ER, Dennison AR, Rossolini GM, Oggioni MR (2021) Interaction of Klebsiella pneumoniae with tissue macrophages in a mouse infection model and ex-vivo pig organ perfusions: an exploratory investigation. The Lancet Microbe, DOI:10.1016/S2666-5247(21)00195-6.
Carreno D, Wanford JJ, Jasiunaite Z, Hames RG, Chung WY, Dennison AR, Straatman K, Martinez-Pomares L, Pareek M, Orihuela CJ, Restrepo MI, Lim WS, Andrew PW, Moxon ER, Oggioni MR(2021) Splenic macrophages as the source of bacteraemia during pneumococcal pneumonia. EBioMedicine. 2021 Oct 4;72:103601. doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103601.
Al-Ismaeel Q , Neal CP, Al-Mahmoodi H, Almutairi Z, Al-Shamarti I, Straatman K, Jaunbocus N, Irvine A, Issa E, Moreman C, Dennison AR, Sayan AE, McDearmid J, Greaves P, Tulchinsky E, Kriajevska M (2019) ZEB1 and IL-6/11-STAT3 signalling cooperate to define invasive potential of pancreatic cancer cells via differential regulation of the expression of S100 proteins. British Journal of Cancer doi:10.1038/s41416-019-0483-9
Repici M, Hassanjani M, Maddison DC, Garção P, Cimini S, Patel B, Szegö EM, Straatman KR, Lilley KS, Borsello T, Outeiro TF, Panman L, Giorgini F (2019) The Parkinson's disease-linked protein DJ-1 associates with cytoplasmic mRNP granules during stress and neurodegeneration. Mol Neurobiol. 56:61-77. doi:10.1007/s12035-018-1084-y
Hey F, Andreadi C, Noble C, Patel B, Jin H, Kamata T, Straatman K, Luo J, Balmanno K, Jones DTW, Collins VP, Cook SJ, Caunt CJ, Pritchard C (2018) Over-expressed, N-terminally truncated BRAF is detected in the nucleus of cells with nuclear phosphorylated MEK and ERK. Heliyon. 4:e01065. PubMed.
Fry AM, Adib RMontgomery JM, Atherton JO'Regan L, Richards M, Straatman KR, Roth D, Straube A, Bayliss R, Moores CA (2018) Mitotic phosphorylation by Nek6 and Nek7 reduces microtubule affinity of EML4 to alter spindle dynamics and promote chromosome congression. bioRxiv 466979; doi: doi:10.1101/466979.
Kelsall EJ,Vertesy A, Straatman K, Tariq M, Gadea R, Parmar C, Schreiber G, Randhawa S, Dominguez C, Klipp E, Tanaka K (2018) S. pombe causes persistent Cdc42 signalling but only transient MAPK activation. bioRxiv 380220; doi:
Ercoli G , Fernandes VE, Chung WY, Wanford JJ, Thomson S, Christopher D. Bayliss, Straatman K, Crocker PR, Dennison A, Martinez-Pomares L, Andrew PW, Moxon ER, Oggioni MR (2018) Intracellular replication of Streptococcus pneumoniae inside splenic macrophages serves as a reservoir for septicaemia. Nature Microbiology doi:10.1038/s41564-018-0147-1.
Banushi B, Forneris F, Straatman-Iwanowska A, Strange A, Lyne AM, Rogerson C, Burden JJ, Heywood WE, Hanley J, Straatman KR, Smith H, Bem D, Kriston-Vizi J, Ariceta G, Risteli M, Wang C, Waddington SN, Howe SJ, Ferraro F, Gjinovci A, Lawrence S, Marsh M, Girolami M, Bozec L, Mills K, Gissen P (2016) Regulation of post-Golgi LH3 trafficking is essential for collagen homeostasis. Nature Communications. Doi: 10.1038/ncomms12111.
Patel JT, Bottrill A, Prosser SL, Jayaraman S, Straatman K, Fry AM, Shackleton S (2014) Mitotic phosphorylation of SUN1 loosens its connection with the nuclear lamina while the LINC complex remains intact. Nucleus 5: 462 - 473.
Meinke P, Mattioli E, Haque F, Antoku S, Columbaro M, Straatman KR, Worman HJ, Gundersen GG, Lattanzi G, Wehnert M and Shackleton S (2014) Muscular Dystrophy-Associated SUN1 and SUN2 Variants Disrupt Nuclear-Cytoskeletal Connections and Myonuclear Organization. PLoS Genet. 10(9):e1004605.
Zondler L, Miller-Fleming L, Repici M, Gonçalves S, Tenreiro S, Rosado-Ramos R, Betzer C, Straatman KR, Jensen PH, Giorgini F, Outeiro TF (2014) DJ-1 interactions with α-synuclein attenuate aggregation and cellular toxicity in models of Parkinson's disease. Cell Death Dis. 5, e1350; doi:10.1038/cddis.2014.307.
Moiseeva EP, Straatman KR, Leyland ML and Bradding P (2014) CADM1 Controls Actin Cytoskeleton Assembly and Regulates Extracellular Matrix Adhesion in Human Mast Cells. PLOS ONE 9: e85980.
Raschpichler, M., K. Straatman, A. Pampel, M.L. Schroeter, K. Arelin, H. Schloegl, D. Fritzsch, M. Mende, M. Stumvoll, A. Villringer and K. Mueller (2013) Abdominal fat distribution and its relationship to brain changes - the differential effects of age on cerebellar structure and function: a cross-sectional, exploratory study. BMJopen;3:e001915.
Repici, M., K.R. Straatman, N. Balduccio, F.J.Enguita, T.F. Outeiro, and F. Giorgini (2013) Parkinson’s disease-associated mutations in DJ-1 modulate its dimerization in living cells. J. Mol. Med.91:599-611.
Venoux, M., X. Tait, R.S. Hames, K.R. Straatman, H.R. Woodland and A.M. Fry (2013) Poc1A and Poc1B act together in human cells to ensure centriole integrity. J Cell Sci. 126: 163-175.
Thomas, M.G., A. Kumar, J.R. Thompson, F.A. Proudlock, K. Straatman, and I. Gottlob (2011) Is high-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography reliable in nystagmus? Br J Ophthalmol 2011-300476.
Sylvius, N., G. Bonne, K. Straatman, T. Reddy, T.W. Gant, and S. Shackleton (2011) MicroRNA expression profiling in patients with lamin A/C associated muscular dystrophy. FASEB J. 25:3966-3978.
Smith, E., N. Hégarat, C. Vesely, I. Roseboom, C. Larch, H. Streicher, K. Straatman, H. Flynn, M. Skehel, T. Hirota, P. Kuriyama and H. Hochegger (2011) Differential control of Eg5-dependent centrosome separation by Plk1 and Cdk1. EMBO J. 30: 2233-2245.
Sayan, A.E., T.R. Griffiths, R. Pal, G.B. Browne, A. Ruddick, T. Yagci, R. Edwards, N.J. Mayer, H. Qazi, S. Goyal, S. Fernandez, K. Straatman, G.D.D. Jones, K.J. Bowman, A. Colquhoun,J.K. Mellon, M. Kriajevska and E. Tulchinsky (2009) SIP1 protein protects cells from DNA damage-induced apoptosis and has independent prognostic value in bladder cancer. PNAS 106:14884-14889.
Prosser, S.L., K.R. Straatman and A.M. Fry (2009) Molecular dissection of the centrosome overduplication pathway in S-phase arrested cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 29: 1760-1773.
Straaman K.R. and E.J. Louis (2007) Localization of telomeres and telomere associated proteins during ALT in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Chrom. Res. 15: 1033-1050.
Codd V., D. Dolezel, J. Stehlik, A. Piccin, K.J. Garner, S.N. Racey, K.R. Straatman, E.J. Louis, R. Costa, I. Sauman, C.P. Kyriacou, E. Rosato (2007) Circadian Rhythm Gene Regulation in the Housefly Musca domestica. Genetics 177(3): 1539-5
Hames R.S., R.E. Crookes, K.R. Straatman, A. Merdes, M.J. Hayes, A.J. Faragher and A.M. Fry A (2005) Dynamic recruitment of Nek2 kinase to the centrosome involves microtubules, PCM-1, and localized proteasomal degradation. Mol Biol Cell. 16(4): 1711-24.
Franklin-Tong V.E., T.L. Holdaway-Clarke, K.R. Straatman, J.G. Kunkel and P.K. Hepler (2002) Involvement of extracellular calcium influx in the self-incompatibility response of Papaver rhoeas. Plant J. 29(3): 333-45.
Straatman K.R., S.K. Dove, T.L. Holdaway-Clarke, P.K.Hepler, J.G. Kunkel and V.E. Franklin-Tong (2001) Calcium signalling in pollen of Papaver rhoeas undergoing the self-incompatibility (SI) response. Sex. Plant Reprod. 14(1-2): 105-110.
Straatman K.R. and J.H.N. Schel (2001) Distribution of splicing proteins and putative coiled bodies during pollen development and androgenesis in Brassica napus L. Protoplasma 216: 191-200.
Straatman K.R., J. Nijsse, H. Kieft, A.C. van Aelst and J.H.N. Schel (2000) Nuclear pore dynamics during pollen development and androgenesis in Brassica napus. Sex. Plant Reprod. 13: 43-51.
Straatman, K.R. (1999) Monitoring of nuclear activity during pollen development and androgenesis in Brassica napus L. Ph.D. Thesis. ISBN: 90-5808-002-1.
Straatman, K.R. and J.H.N. Schel (1997) Nuclear changes during pollen development and microspore embryogensis in Brassica napus. The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sceinces 45: 195-207.
Straatman, K.R., C.M. Trompetter, W. Schul and J.H.N. Schel (1996) Fluorescent labelling of nascent RNA reveals nuclear transcription domains throughout plant cell nuclei. Protoplasma 192: 145 - 149.
Ruiter, H. de, K.R. Straatman and E. Meinen (1995) Influence of two fatty amine surfactants on foliar absorption, translocation, and efficacy of 2,4-D triethanolamine salt. J. Agricult. and Food Chem. 43: 3093 - 3097.
Binarova, P., K. Straatman, B. Hause, G. Hause and A.A.M. van Lammeren (1993) Nuclear DNA synthesis during the induction of embryogenesis in cultured microspores and pollen of Brassica napus L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 87: 9 - 16.
Ruiter, H. de, K. Straatman and E. Meinen (1993) The influence of a fatty amine surfactant on foliar absorption and translocation of the trolamine salt and iso-octyl ester of 2,4-D. Pestic. Sci. 38: 145 - 154.
Ruiter, H. de, K. Straatman, E. Meinen and A.J.M. Uffing (1992) Alkoxylated fatty amines as adjuvants for herbicides; A report for AKZO Chemicals B.V. Research Centre Deventer, The Netherlands.
Ruiter, H. de, A.J.M. Uffing and K.R. Straatman (1991) The influence of three adjuvants on the phytotoxicity of phenmedipham, difenoxuron and sethoxydim. Med. Fac. Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniv. Gent 56/3a: 863 - 870.