Historical photo could be earliest of female geologist
An enigmatic photograph titled ‘The Geologists’ showing a lady and a gentleman in front of some rocks is believed to have been taken at Chudleigh in Devon around 1843 by the pioneer photographer William H. F. Talbot.
Medical research paper gains over 1000 citations
A key medical research paper published in 2003 led by Tim Coats MD FRCS FFAEM, Professor of Emergency Medicine in the Emergency Medicine Academic Group and Department of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University, has received more than 1,000 citations.
Prison rehabilitation researcher wins presenting challenge
The Graduate School is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s 3 Minute Thesis competition, held on 20 May 2015. The competition featured eleven excellent presentations from both full time and part time postgraduate researchers.
Need for change highlighted by public suspicion of management cheerleaders
Anarchism, feminism and communism are among the political philosophies that could help create a new and fairer world, according to experts from the School of Management who will be convening with more than 400 academics from around the world for a conference between 8-10 July...
Second successful season of fieldwork for archaeology students concludes
An archaeological project aimed at giving students hands-on experience of excavating and uncovering real historical sites has turned up a host of historical information.
Vice-Chancellor speaks out on gender inequality in universities at international conference
Our President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle has addressed the issue of gender inequality in universities at an international conference in Cape Town, South Africa.
Citizens of Change Scholarship
To honour the founding spirit of our university, we are awarding 100 Centenary Scholarships of £1,000 to undergraduate students beginning their studies in September 2018.
Beat those January exam blues
It's cold. It's wet. It's dark. Welcome to January. Most people suffer from a case of the 'January blues' but add exam worries to the mix and you really have got a gloomy prognosis.
Fond farewell for Universitys sixth Chancellor
The University bids farewell to its Chancellor this week, as he presides over his final degree congregation on Friday 26 January. Lord Grocott has served for five years since he was installed as our Sixth Chancellor in January 2013.
Researcher suggests mainstream media is responsible for shallow coverage of antirape activism
Dr Kaitlynn Mendes (pictured) from the Department of Media and Communication has argued in a new book that the mainstream media often neglects anti-rape activism by delivering ‘shallow’ coverage.