
10593 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Academic Practice

    Module code: MN7366 During this module, you'll identify and appreciate the range of, and differences between, quantitative and qualitative data-based empirical studies that inform the study of Human Resource Management and Training (HRM&T).

  • Academic Skills and Practice

    Module code: MN7400 During this module, you’ll be engaging with a range of academic practices and critical thinking where you’ll identify and reflect upon the different learning styles, and how they inform our approach to learning and study.

  • Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Children's Nursing

    Module code: NU2202 (double module) We will look at the assessment and recognition of common presenting conditions in children’s health – such as ear infections, chickenpox, fevers, croup etc.

  • Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Children's Nursing

    Module code: NU2112 (double module) We will look at the assessment and recognition of common presenting conditions in children’s health – such as ear infections, chickenpox, fevers, croup etc.

  • City Life and Social Order

    Module code: SY3080 Module co-ordinator: Shirley Beller In this module we will trace the development of the capitalist city from its industrial origins to the present day and consider how and in what ways the built environment impacts on the social life of city dwellers.

  • Professor Dan Ladley

    Professor Dan Ladley: Expert in financial regulation, and your future qualification There are important discussions going on around financial regulation; what the next crisis will be and how to prevent and limit the scope of crisis.

  • Molecular and Cellular Sciences

    Module code: BS1081 This module will lay the groundwork, providing an understanding of how cells function, communicate, divide, and maintain themselves.

  • Molecular and Cellular Sciences

    Module code: BS1081 This module will lay the groundwork, providing an understanding of how cells function, communicate, divide, and maintain themselves.

  • Molecular and Cellular Sciences

    Module code: BS1081 This module will lay the groundwork, providing an understanding of how cells function, communicate, divide, and maintain themselves.

  • Leicestershire cardiologists’ life-saving mission gains the King’s recognition

    Two Leicestershire cardiologists who made it their mission to teach every school leaver in the county lifesaving skills have seen their incredible efforts receive the royal seal of approval.

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